Chapter 593 Learning Soul Medicine

With the emotional instability, Tong Shiying's eyes have begun to turn purple, and the electric current all over her body is about to move in her body.


Just after Tong Shiying yelled the second time, Bing Ji's cold voice sounded, vaguely sullen: "You don't want to save your husband?"


"If you want to save your husband, read all the books and scrolls in the library!"


Tong Shiying was shocked, so many books, what year and month do you want to see?


She refused outright, and it was absolutely impossible to leave Ah Feng outside alone!
Besides, this is simply a deliberate embarrassment.

Bing Ji said: "It's up to you to watch it or not, but if you don't watch it, not only will you not be able to save your husband, but you will also be trapped indoors and never be able to come out."

Tong Shiying: "..."

Take a deep breath!
She felt that she had never been so restless, and she was very angry.

She didn't understand, what was the relationship between reading books and saving lives?
Bing Ji's indifferent voice sounded again: "Didn't you come here just to heal your husband? If that's the case, why do you still refuse now? I can tell you clearly that if you want to completely heal his injury, you can only rely on You yourself, and the first thing to do is to memorize the contents of these books."

When Tong Shiying heard the words, the anger in her heart gradually calmed down. After a moment of silence, she expressed her concerns: "I don't feel at ease if my husband stays outside."

"So you were worried about this, don't worry, he will be fine for the time being, and no one will find this place."

Tong Shiying really wanted to shout: You are the one who worries the most, okay?

Now I really don't know if she is good or evil.

"Stop wasting time, you have no choice."

Bing Ji's words were cold and heartless, but they were all true.

If what Bing Ji said is true, then in the end, Tong Shiying will still choose to take this step for the sake of Fengfei City.

Besides, now, there is indeed no choice. If you want to go out, you must write down all these contents.

After she figured it out, Tong Shiying stopped wasting time, and just turned around, facing countless books, she felt a headache.

This, let alone write it down, even if you just browse it once, you don’t know when you will be able to finish it...

She tore down a book from the bookshelf dejectedly, flipped through a page at random, and suddenly, her eyes darkened, and there was actually a record about the soul in it!
Tong Shiying suddenly came to God, no wonder, Bing Ji asked her to read these books.

But what good would it do her?
Could it be that she wants learn the art of soul medicine? !

Tong Shiying was taken aback by this thought, but if it wasn't for this, she couldn't think of any other reason.

"Don't think too much, concentrate, remember, sometimes, you don't need eyes..."

Suddenly, Bing Ji's voice seemed to come from all directions, it was extremely strange: "Use your powerful soul to perceive, integrate them bit by bit, and become a part of yourself."

It seems that this Bing Ji really intends to let her learn the art of soul medicine!

No matter what the reason is, at this time, she doesn't have time to think so much, A Feng is still waiting outside, she has to go out!

Tong Shiying tried to listen to Bing Ji's words, closed her eyes, and concentrated on perceiving them.

After concentrating on it for a while, it was always pitch black in front of my eyes, and my mind was empty, and I couldn't feel anything.

She opened her eyes and lowered her eyes to look at the book in her hand. It was densely packed, and the lines of words could really be read without eyes, and could be perceived by the soul?
(End of this chapter)

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