The Lady Falls from the Sky: The Enchanting Husband Is Addicted

Chapter 599 I'm really going to give birth

Chapter 599 I'm really going to give birth

Tong Shiying was held tightly in his arms, but because there was a round belly in the middle, this position was not very comfortable.

But feeling his emotions, she didn't move, just like that, letting him hold her.

I don't know how long it took, until Feng Feicheng suddenly felt something moving on his body, followed the touch, and finally touched Tong Shiying's stomach without any surprise.

Then, he felt the little thing inside kicking him.


Feng Feicheng didn't know what kind of mood he was in now, it was a feeling of heartache and joy that couldn't be described enough!

"The baby knows that Daddy is awake, so he is greeting you!" Tong Shiying said with a smile.

Feng Feicheng thought it was incredible, he looked at Tong Shiying, saw her nodding to him, then looked down at her stomach, squatted down slightly, put his head on his stomach carefully, and listened to the baby's heartbeat.

"It's amazing, am I really going to be a father?"

He still can't believe it, excited like a child.

Tong Shiying looked at him amusedly.

Suddenly, Feng Feicheng hugged her horizontally, then gently placed her on the side of the bed and sat down, he squatted beside the bed, his expression became serious: "Ying'er, tell me what happened during the time I was unconscious What? Why is your hair turning white?"

Tong Shiying looked at him with a smile, her infatuation remained the same, she stretched out her hand, caressed his handsome face gently, and said slowly: "A lot of things really happened during this time, that day, after we fell off the cliff... ..."

She told Feng Feicheng all the ins and outs of the matter, but she didn't mention some small details.

After Feng Feicheng listened to it, his heart was filled with self-blame for a moment, he held Tong Shiying in his arms pitifully, and did not let go for a long time.

"Bing Ji passed away not long after passing Yinyuan to me, so I don't know many things, why her hair suddenly turned white, and then I thought, probably because she accepted the inheritance of the weaving soul technique, because Bing Ji's His hair is white too."

"What about your body?"

Feng Feicheng looked at her nervously: "After accepting this inheritance, do you feel any discomfort in your body?"


Tong Shiying shook her head: "Not only is there no discomfort, but the whole person feels that he has endless energy. Even in this icy and snowy environment, he doesn't feel a trace of cold. Moreover, he is well aware of what is happening around him, especially about the soul. Nothing in this aspect can escape my eyes."

A flash of thought flashed in Feng Feicheng's eyes: "According to this, this time, we are also a blessing in disguise."

Tong Shiying nodded in agreement.

This, is it not an opportunity!
The two chatted for a while, and the sky gradually darkened.

Tong Shiying got up and wanted to boil some water for Feng Feicheng to soak her body, but she just stood up when she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her stomach, and liquid seemed to flow out from below.


She snorted, startled in her heart, and had a bad premonition.

It's not such a coincidence, is it?

Choose to come out at this time?

"what happened?"

Feng Feicheng's face changed slightly, obviously thinking of it.

"It seems... to give birth..."

"Ah? Really going to give birth?"

Although he had already guessed it, but after confirming it, Feng Feicheng became flustered in an instant.

How to do how to do?
Both of them have no experience in this kind of thing, and they have been human in two lives, and they have never been so flustered by anything...

 There are a lot of things recently, so the update is a little less, and every day is written and published, don't worry, there will be more updates if you have time.ok~

(End of this chapter)

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