Chapter 601 Everything is possible


He squatted beside the bed, his expression was full of worry, and he didn't care about looking at the child, he just held Tong Shiying's hand, put it to his mouth and kissed it gently.

Tong Shiying looked at him weakly, half-opening her eyes, her white hair was drenched with sweat, sticking strands to her head, her pretty face was pale and bloodless, her lips parted slightly: "Ah Feng..."

"I'm here, you say."


She paused before asking, "Isn't it ugly?"

Feng Feicheng: "..."

How could his child be ugly?

On the small wooden bed next to it, there was a small ball, Feng Feicheng moved his gaze over, the little guy was pink and tender, his little face was round and full, his eyebrows and eyes looked very similar to himself, the most important thing was Yes, her pupils are also dark red!
The small facial features are very delicate, especially the small mouth, which is exactly the same as Tong Shiying. Looking at it as a whole, it looks like a ball of powder, so cute.

Even Feng Feicheng was instantly enamored by her.

This is his flesh and blood, the crystallization of him and Ying'er!
Feng Feicheng carefully picked her up, placed her beside Tong Shiying, looked down at his wife and daughter, and felt that his life had been fulfilled!
Tong Shiying was finally relieved to see that her baby was not wrinkled like an old lady as she imagined.

"so far so good……"

Looking at the watery little guy, her heart also became soft. From then on, there was another person in her life. Blood is thicker than water. This feeling is so miraculous!
Because of this little guy, her life finally became complete.

Tong Shiying closed her eyes, a tear slipped quietly from the corner of her eyes, witnessing her happiness.


After Feng Feicheng left a bag of spirits, he took his wife and daughter and left Po Wen's house, and then returned to the small space again.

He set up a cold cover outside the small fenced courtyard to cut off the icy and snowy atmosphere, so that the little guy can stay in a warm environment and grow up healthily.

Time passed quickly, one month later, when the baby was full moon, Feng Feicheng named his daughter, Feng Xueqing.

There is no special meaning, just because she grew up in a snowy environment. However, Tong Shiying hopes that her future life will have a good sunny day, so she adds a word "clear" after the word "snow".

The days in the small space are peaceful and beautiful. Feng Feicheng does not plan to leave for the time being, and he thinks it is a good choice for the family of three to live in seclusion here.

Because here, there is no dispute, no danger, only peace and happiness.

There are many things that Tong Shiying has not researched to understand.

The soul weaving technique also takes time to explore. Tong Shiying deeply believes that what she has mastered now is just a drop in the bucket of this skill.

However, in the future, they may leave.

They dare not say when exactly, maybe, until one day, if she can use the map in her mind freely, then their next stop will be the earth in the 21st century!
Tong Shiying believes that this is by no means just an idea.

Her relatives, her master, one day, she will bring her husband and daughter back to meet them.

Or maybe, when Feng Xueqing grows up a bit, the couple will take her back to the Spirit Continent to see Dongfang Hanyu and Shangguan Yiyue, and to Xiling Country to see Xuanyuanli and Ye Xiaohan.

In short, anything is possible!

Time flies, and the time flies.

16 years later.

(End of this chapter)

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