Chapter 759 She Wasn't Too Stupid

Well, Feng Yaoxie's compulsion has always been so high.

However, Tong Shiying felt that she had never seen this shiny thing before. Although trackers and other things are very common in the 21st century, the one in the man's hand seemed to be more advanced.

The man in black stood at the door of the warehouse for a while, as if they were silently sending a message to each other. Each of them wore oversized sunglasses, and the expressions on their faces could not be seen.

I saw that the leading man, Heizi, gently raised a hand and made a gesture to go in. Immediately, some men rushed in, and the rest surrounded the entire warehouse.

"Su Ran?"

Inside the warehouse, the leading man in black said in a cold voice: "I know you are inside, as long as you come out and follow us back obediently, I promise, I will not hurt you."

Tong Shiying thought that Su Ran would not come out, but she didn't expect that she would appear from behind the beam as soon as the man finished speaking.

Her expression was a little hesitant, like believing, but also like doubting.


Tong Shiying suddenly whispered: "From Su Ran's memory, we can judge that she is a woman with a high IQ. How did she become so stupid and trust others so easily?"


Feng Feicheng grabbed her into his arms and looked down at her: "Does Ying'er want to meddle in her own business?"

He also noticed that although this woman named Su Ran had a high force value, her brain seemed not very bright.

Of course, it is also possible that some accidents have caused the originally very smart brain to become what it is now.

Tong Shiying smiled, with a secretive expression on her face.

She just said that she chose to be crooked. No, God automatically sent them a batch of lambs to be slaughtered? !
That's right, in the eyes of Tong Shiying and Feng Feicheng, these strong men who look like Kong Wu are like lambs waiting to be slaughtered without the ability to resist.

So many people chasing a girl is definitely not a good person.

"Su Ran?"

When the leading man in black saw Su Ran coming out from the beam, he moved, and then stopped immediately, his voice softened slightly: "Hey, come down, come back with us."

Su Ran sat on the beam, lowered her eyes, and seemed to be thinking seriously. After a while, she opened her mouth and uttered a strange syllable.

"Who are you? I don't know you."

Tong Shiying couldn't describe this sound for a while, it was very sandy, as if it came from the belly, with a somewhat empty metallic feel.

However, she wasn't too stupid.

"No, you know us, you just forgot, we are taking you back now to treat your illness."

The man in black took two steps forward, stretched out an arm, and coaxed softly: "Come on, come down quickly, your illness will be cured only after you go back with us."

Su Ran almost stretched out her hand, but in the next second, she suddenly retracted it.

"I don't know you. I'm not sick."


The patience of the man in black seemed to be exhausted. He whispered something to the men around him. Although the voice was small, it still reached the ears of Feng Feicheng and Tong Shiying.

He said: "The master said that although she is not perfect, she is very dangerous. We can't confront her head-on. You should quickly find a way. If she is allowed to run away again, after a long time, she will completely adapt to Su Ran's memory. It's going to be very troublesome."

(End of this chapter)

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