Chapter 309 324 Danger is coming!

Although Feng Yu didn't receive that slap, he didn't get any benefit. He could clearly feel the anger emanating from the emperor's brother, and he could naturally feel the strong internal force on his body when the emperor's brother was out of control. on his heart...

"Pfft..." Feng Yu spit out a mouthful of blood coldly.

"Brother Huang, it will take about a month to rush to the southern country from the Far East, and I'm afraid it will be too late! According to my brother's opinion, we should take down the Cang Kingdom first, save all the innocent people in the Cang Kingdom, and take the world as our responsibility!"


As soon as the words fell, another wave of strong internal pressure directly swept Feng Yu out.

Gucheng couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

Hearing this, he immediately knelt down without hesitation.

"This subordinate knows that His Highness has always had a deep affection for the empress, but he did not expect that the empress was already pregnant with Liujia, but she fell into the hands of the Southern Emperor. Even if His Highness sends troops to the Southern Kingdom to rescue the Crown Princess who is in the Southern Kingdom, it may be too late Yes, one month is enough for Emperor Cang to destroy the Southern Kingdom!

His Highness has already rushed to the end of the Far East, and after two more cities, he will be able to reach the imperial capital of the Cang Kingdom. Taking the imperial capital of the Cang Kingdom can save the lives of tens of thousands of people nearby!
To save the common people in the world from war, this is what His Highness should do!The subordinates know that these words are not for the subordinates to say, but His Highness must make a decision early!Since Wang Lin has already gone to the Southern Kingdom, he naturally intends to go all out. He will definitely catch the Crown Princess. When we get there, it may be too late. If Wang Lin destroys the Southern Kingdom, he will fight with the 30 soldiers who stayed in the Cang Kingdom Echo, when the time comes, we will really be attacked!Your Highness!

Your Highness, please make a decision early! "

Gucheng can fully understand what kind of mood his master is feeling at this time, but this does not mean that the master will change his decision because of this. Right now, the only option is to take down the imperial capital of Cang Kingdom as soon as possible, invade Cang Kingdom, and chase Wang Lin all the way to the southern kingdom. Only the army has a slight chance of winning!

If you go to rescue the princess at this time, you will face the situation of being attacked by enemies.At that time, I'm afraid that the world will really be included in Wang Lin's pocket!
How could Feng Chenxi not understand this truth?

It's just that if you really follow what they said and do so at this time, it will be tantamount to giving up Meng Azi... this life!

Feng Yu didn't care at all how heavy the words she said were.

Gently wiped away the blood dripping from his mouth.

"I know what the emperor is worried about, but even if the emperor rushes over with his troops and arrives as quickly as possible, I'm afraid everything is over! Even though Mo Ling of the Southern Kingdom has extraordinary talents in various aspects, However, most of the troops in the Southern Kingdom are the sons of officials and rich families, and many of them have never been to the battlefield. How can they lead troops to fight? I am afraid that such 50 people will be vulnerable to 50 people!
Since Wang Lin is attacking the Southern Kingdom, he will take the Queen's Wife hostage as soon as possible!Even if Brother Huang arrives by then, I'm afraid it will already be, the city will be destroyed!
When the time comes, we will be attacked from both sides, with Wang Lin's 50 soldiers and horses in the Southern Kingdom, and his 30 soldiers and horses in the Cang Kingdom, we will surely die!

We can only follow behind and kill Wang Lin's 30 soldiers in Cang Kingdom first!In order to take the lead.Chase him to the south to fight!Try to attack Mo Ling inside and out!In order to get a chance!
Brother Huang!I made a big mistake this time, I don't ask for your forgiveness, but I beg you to make a correct decision for the sake of the whole world! "

After Feng Yu crossed over, she never thought that she would face such a situation...

Facing thousands of troops...

Sometimes he really wants to go away selfishly, but he can't ignore the whole world for his own little selfish gain...

It's just that in this matter, it is indeed a bit embarrassing for the emperor...

Feng Chenxi pressed her hands tightly to the tabletop, and did not lift it up without moving.Time passed by second by second, and Feng Chenxi's face... began to sink inch by inch...

Royal Palace.

A few days have passed in the blink of an eye, Meng Azi has nothing to do, and always likes to walk around. On this day, Li You was about to go out to do some things, so he slipped out with ease...

But I didn't expect to walk to the main hall.

The door of the main hall is tightly closed, and some discussions can still be heard from inside. It seems that Mo Ling is discussing something with several very important military ministers. They also mentioned the loss of food and grass. It is possible that there is going to be a war. ?
Meng Azi suddenly turned pale.

Did Mo Ling listen to her own words that day, or did she still have that kind of thinking?
"Girl, it's getting windy, you should wear an extra layer when you go out."

Behind Meng Azi was a little girl, who seemed young, but she had been with her for several months.

"Nian Nian, Your Majesty, are you busy these days?"

"Yes, I heard that His Majesty has been sleeping in the study for the past few days and is studying some important matter. He has not been able to eat or sleep well in the past few days, and no one is allowed to disturb him. There are several ministers discussing state affairs... I have been living in the palace for the past few days..."

"Oh...has there been any war recently?"

Meng Azi just asked casually, and she already had some guesses in her heart.

But Nian Nian... was trembling violently, so frightened that even his body trembled.

"No, no... The girl asked what these people are doing, it's getting windy, let's go back."


Meng Azi left her clear eyes, stared closely at hers, and turned around.

"Nian Nian, your eyes are beautiful."

"Oh? Really?"

Nian Nian's face became more and more white, and finally she just lowered her head, not daring to look up again.

Meng Azi seemed to know something, so she didn't say anything later.

at night.

There were some soft noises outside.

Meng Azi slept a little lightly at first, so she opened her eyes all at once.

A pair of sharp eyes scanned the surrounding decorations closely.

A sneer swayed slightly from the corner of his mouth.

Meng Azi quietly got off the bed and put on another dress of her own...

The bright and smooth white stones on the path shone brightly in the moonlight, even if no one supported him, he could still find the path.

Meng Azi sneaked past according to her memory during the day.

The girl guarding the door at night was so sound asleep that she didn't seem to notice that the person had disappeared...

"Your Majesty, the servants have already been arranged, and there will never be any problems!"

The little maid who was talking to Concubine Ming at this time was the little girl who served Meng Azi during the day...

The two of them were talking quietly under the moonlight...

 Cough cough, these two scoundrels just want to harm our baby!
(End of this chapter)

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