Super Magic Farm System

Chapter 31 The first person under the magic apprentice

Chapter 31 Magic Apprentice II No.1

That's right!Previously, after detecting the miniature golden lion, the system indicated that this little lion met the requirements of the mission!It was precisely because of this that Baker could not conceal the joy in his eyes!
Of course, the current strength of the little lion is still far from that of a half-warcraft. However, the system does not discriminate against this little guy who is sure to grow into a half-warcraft in the future, and there is no difficulty in picking words for Baker. It is clear that as long as Baker If the lion cub is tamed for the system to recover, then he has completed the task, and the 'Magic Seed of Hydrotherapy' will not be missing him.

As for how to abduct the lion cub and tame it, Baker had already thought of a plan during the time when he was just nestling behind the boulder. A word I said before - domesticating a pet, you can't treat it blindly, the best way is to "give kindness and strength together"!
Of course, the miniature golden lion is not comparable to pets such as kittens and puppies. Whether this plan will work for it or not can only be known by trying it.

Just now, Baker cleaned up the roast chicken and the wreckage on the ground, which is the preliminary work of this plan, and the "highlight" of this plan will not be implemented until tomorrow.

Thinking about the plan in his heart, Baker headed down the mountain, leaving only the little lion with a confused face.


"Hey! Little bastard, did you steal my chicken! My sister! There are dozens of fat and big old hens!!!"

Just as Baker was walking and perfecting his plan, when he came down the mountain, suddenly, there was a sound of thunder in his ears, which almost scared Baker to pee. Immediately, when he looked up, he saw a bearded man A strong man blocked his way.

"Uh... Forrest Gump, you scared me to death, what are you doing?"

This strong man with a big beard is A-Gump, a professional chicken farmer. He is also a powerful figure in the tribe, and he is known as "No. 1 under the magic apprentice"...

"What the hell, why do you still ask me? I lose chickens every day in this chicken pen, and now I have lost more than a dozen of them. Say, did you steal them?"

A-Gump questioned Baker fiercely.

"I steal? Steal wool! Steal! With our famous character, we can do those dirty things..."

"Bah! I haven't forgotten the fact that you stole my eggs when you were a child."

"You said it all. It was when I was a child. I didn't know anything. I thought that taking a few eggs from you would relieve you of the pressure of selling eggs..."

"Get out! Don't be so talkative, you little bastard, why did you appear here by such a coincidence when I lost the chicken? Tell me!"

A-Gump was annoyed because of the chicken loss these days, and now he finally saw a 'suspicious person', and immediately took all his anger on Baker.

"Hey, what you said is meaningless. If I pass by here, I am a chicken thief? What kind of reasoning is this?"

It was precisely because Baker knew who the chicken thief was that he answered so confidently.

"Hehe, little bastard, do you dare to mess with me? Today I think you are a chicken thief, go! Follow me to see Chief Yuri!"

A-Gump was already annoyed because of the chicken lost these days, but now seeing Baker, who is usually a coward, dare to talk back to him, the "Magic Apprentice No. 1", he immediately exploded without saying a word After finishing, he stretched out his big palm-like hand and grabbed Baker's collar.

In the past, A-Gump would have caught Baker with his nerdy physique. However, Baker is not what it used to be, because he has successfully mastered magic and made a breakthrough to become a magic apprentice!
So, in A-Gump's quick grab, Baker backed away without a trace, avoiding it.

"Forrest Gump, you reckless man, don't be so unreasonable, okay?"

Being framed in this way, Baker was naturally upset. If he hadn't become a magic apprentice, he couldn't avoid it at all just now, and he would definitely be taken by Forrest Gump to meet the old chief. In this way, in public, Being slandered by A-Gump as a chicken thief, he must die of aggrieved?
"Unreasonable? So what? You chicken thief!"

Because A-Gump was in annoyance, the 'movement' he made to make Baker dodge with a quick grab just now did not attract his attention. This kid dared to call him a reckless man, and immediately became even more furious, and rushed towards Baker.

A-Gump was in a hurry, and this time he went all out to catch Beck, and the speed of his attack was naturally not comparable to that just now. However, to his great surprise, it was a coincidence that Beck leaned back 'unsteadily'. Coincidentally, he missed it all at once...

Is it a coincidence, or...

Just as A-Gump was muttering in his heart, suddenly, he felt his foot stumble, and his forward body immediately flew forward, and immediately a mouth firmly came to bite the mud.

A-Gump, the big man, with the momentum of rushing forward, was thrown to pieces immediately, gold stars flashed in front of his eyes, and his ears were buzzing, but at this moment, a calm voice sounded——

"Forrest Gump, I advise you to clarify the matter before you speak next time, otherwise, if you wronged a good person, God will not be able to stand it. Oh, by the way, if you still want to arrest me, just come to the tribe Find me..."

"you you……"

It took a lot of effort for A-Gump to get up from the ground. Looking at Baker who was drifting away, his eyes were full of deep suspicion.

What happened just now...was this trash Baker doing it on purpose, or...a coincidence?

In normal times, Forrest Gump, who is the "Magic Apprentice No. , His foot that wanted to catch up with Baker finally didn't lift up.


The next day, Baker came towards the open space in front of the old chief's house early, just like yesterday. Looking at the surface, he was very calm, but there was a hint of anticipation in his eyes, because——

Today, Baker is about to launch the key action of 'Taking the Mini Golden Lion'. Whether he can complete the system tasks and obtain the precious 'Spa Magic Seed' depends on today's decision!

 Thank you for the 1888 book coin reward of 'Wolf's Ambition', the 400 starting point coin reward for 'Reality is like a mountain and my romance is like a cloud', the 200 book coin reward for 'Bamboo Leaf Orchid', and the rewards of 'Hua Rong' and 'Pentagonal Building' !

(End of this chapter)

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