The big demon Sun Wukong

Chapter 467 Compete for learning?

Chapter 467 Compete for learning?

Ye Zi didn't have any plans at first, and she was quite moved by Sun Wukong's words, so she agreed that when the matter of the sky survey was over, she would go back to Pangu Realm with Monkey King and go to Huaguo Mountain to play.In the long night, Ye Zi just sat aside and watched Sun Wukong change the spiritual power of a different attribute every hour. After five hours, the sky was already slightly bright, and Sun Wukong took a deep breath, finally going to the final step .And Ye Zi also began to get a little nervous, although he kept Ye Wu's soul quite intact, but after all, this was an act against the heavens of resurrecting the dead, and Ye Zi didn't know whether he could really succeed smoothly.

And he is still worried about one thing, if his younger brother Ye Wu is resurrected, and the two of them merge again, then his strength will definitely break through the limit of the world master level, and there will be a nine-day clearing thunder at that time Descend, still unknown.But with Daozhun present, Ye Zi felt a little relieved.

Finally, another hour passed, and the little sapling before had grown to a height of more than three meters, and the rich breath of life was constantly emanating from it, and the leaves were full of tears with excitement.At this time, the sky was already dawn, and after a night of rest, the people from both the Huangquan World and the Fangcun Spiritual World had recovered enough energy, and Wu Ming and Hei Kui also got up early in the morning to patrol outside. I just came back a week later, and I planned to ask Sun Wukong what to do today.

But before they could find Sun Wukong, that guy Ye Zi had already found the two of them.Ye Zi looked a little strange today, originally he was always wearing a light green robe, but today he changed into a fiery red dress for some unknown reason, and Ye Zi looked younger than before.Seeing Ye Zi, Wu Ming couldn't help joking: "Hey, what happened to Brother Ye Zi today? Why does it seem like he just entered the bridal chamber, haha, he is actually much younger than before!"

Hei Kui on the side also joined in the fun and said with a smile: "Don't talk nonsense, our Ye Zi brothers are only seedlings, and you said how can a tree bridal chamber? I think it must have stolen something good, Ye Zi, this is not interesting!" Then After hearing what the two of them said, Ye Zi was not angry, but instead smiled at them and said, "You two are Wu Ming and Hei Kui, right?"

Wu Ming laughed and said, "Why, you still want to pretend that you don't know us? Do you feel that you have made progress recently, and want to come to discuss and learn from each other?" Ever since Monkey King brought the group together, the two brothers Wu Ming and Hei Kui have nothing to do. Come to tease and tease Ye Zi, and often bully Ye Zi in the name of sparring. Although Ye Zi is not without combat effectiveness now, but more about healing and recovery, so he really suffered a lot of beatings under Wu Ming and Hei Kui.But I can't say anything, who made him the lowest combat effectiveness?

Ye Zi still smiled and said: "Yeah, I feel that I have made a little progress recently, please give me some advice from Brother Wu Ming!" Hearing Ye Zi's words, Wu Ming and Hei Kui were a little puzzled, because Ye Zi is really abnormal today, not only the clothes It has changed, even the voice is a little different, and it used to be that every time Wu Ming kicked out the sparring, Ye Zi was as helpless as a weak girl who was about to be raped by a big man, but today she suddenly became like a wolf and a tiger. How could this prevent Wu Ming and Hei Kui from being suspicious?
As the so-called abnormality is a demon, Wu Ming said cautiously: "Why did you agree so happily today? There must be no conspiracy, right? I have agreed in advance, just the two of us, you can't send reinforcements !" Ye Zi laughed and said, "Naturally, it's just a discussion. Whoever rescues the soldiers will be the grandson of the other party. How about it? Are you afraid?"

Wu Ming was used to bullying Ye Zi, but Ye Zi was so instigated by him, so he said immediately: "How could I be afraid of you? Come on, come here, and see if I don't beat you so much that you are looking for teeth everywhere." , Wu Ming had already opened his posture, and Hei Kui also stepped aside tactfully.Ye Zi took two steps back unhurriedly, then clenched his fists with both hands, and slammed hard in front of him, a ball of flames burned on his fists, but the flames disappeared quickly, and On top of his fists is a pair of fiery red gloves, on which a lifelike phoenix is ​​engraved, and right in front of the glove, five fiery red thorns exude a sharp edge .

Seeing that Ye Zi made a pair of gloves, Wu Ming suddenly felt a little uneasy in his heart, but then Wu Ming yelled, and directly transformed into a human nature made of blood-red mist, and rushed towards Ye Zi.Seeing Wu Ming rushing towards him, Ye Zi didn't care at all, and was still sitting and warming up at a leisurely pace.When fighting with Ye Zi, Wu Ming's incarnation of mist has no blood poison in it, but it still has a lot of erosive power, and in order to deal with Ye Zi, Wu Ming's mist also has the effect of devouring the opponent's spiritual power.

It wasn't until Wu Ming was close at hand that Ye Zi raised his head and smiled at Wu Ming, and then slammed out his right fist.With this punch, the temperature in the entire space suddenly increased, and then a fire dragon surged out from Ye Zi's right fist, and directly hit Wu Ming's body.After the fire dragon hit Wu Ming, it spread rapidly, wrapping Wu Ming into a burning man in the blink of an eye.But Ye Zi didn't stop there, and with a flick of her legs, Ye Zi had already rushed out.

And the figure he rushed out was parallel to the ground, and the height was exactly at Wu Ming's abdomen.At this moment, Wu Ming was completely enveloped by the flames, as if he hadn't seen the leaves, he just stood there and didn't dodge, and when the leaves rushed to his side, his right fist hit him again. out.

This punch did not burst out any fire dragons or the like, but pure power.Only Wu Ming screamed, and flew out directly.But Ye Zi hurriedly caught up, because Wu Ming flew upside down after receiving a heavy blow from his abdomen, so when Ye Zi caught up, he was standing on the ground, but he was moving forward quickly, and at the same time his fists seemed to be It fell on Wu Ming's body like a violent wind and rain.

After throwing out more than 500 punches, Ye Zi finally ended the series of attacks with an uppercut.And Wu Ming was directly sent flying into the air. "That whoever, catch him quickly, or I won't care if he falls to his death!" After speaking, Ye Zi bumped his fists again, and the glove in his hand disappeared.But Ye Zi turned around suddenly, and shouted at Dao Zhun's resting tent: "Brother, come out to save people!"

As soon as Ye Zi’s voice fell, Hei Kui on the other side had caught the falling Wu Ming. At this moment, the flame on Wu Ming’s body had disappeared. The strange thing is that the flame did not cause any burns to Wu Ming, but Wu Ming’s nose was bruised and his face was swollen. If Hei Kui hadn't been watching, he wouldn't have recognized that this person was Wu Ming.Because Wu Ming's body is a blood mist, general physical attacks are ineffective against him, and Hei Kui hasn't seen Wu Ming suffer trauma for a long, long time.

At this time, Hei Kui seemed to have sensed something, and suddenly raised his head, and saw that in Dao Zhun's tent, another Ye Zi, who was wearing a green robe and had a happy smile on his face, ran towards him.Hei Kui looked at the leaf in the green robe, and then at the leaf in the red dress standing aside, as if he suddenly realized something.

"Damn, you, aren't you Ye Zi? You are his younger brother, Ye Wu?" Although Hei Kui is usually very stable and honest, he is not stupid. Now he can't guess when he sees two Ye Zi who look almost exactly the same. What happened.For a moment, he couldn't help feeling a little rejoicing, fortunately, Wu Ming was unlucky, otherwise he would be the one who was beaten.

And Ye Zi had already run to Hei Kui's side at this time, and pretended to ask: "Oh, my brother Wu Ming, what's the matter? Who beat you like this? Come on, let brother give you this!" Look, tsk tsk, they're all beaten into pig's heads." Although Ye Zi said so, the smile on Ye Zi's face became brighter and brighter.On the other hand, Hei Kui felt a chill all over his body, this leaf must not be bullied again in the future.

Although Wu Ming was beaten badly, but Ye Wu's hands were quite measured, so he only suffered flesh injuries. Hearing Ye Zi's words at this moment, he almost fainted in anger, but he did forcefully open his eyes. Touching Ye Zi, he said, "Ye Zi, we will be brothers from now on!"

At the same time, there is already a group of people at the original location of the Pantheon.

(End of this chapter)

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