allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 141 Shining Plus 1

Chapter 141 Shining Plus 1
 "Yunyu said, at the reception in City A, you and Dongfang Boyu..." Yun Zongqiang frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about the right words, he hesitated to say the second half of the sentence.

Regarding Dongfang Boyu, those who knew the inside story didn't want her to be in contact with him.

The deal two years ago was too bad.It was also Yun Zongqiang who felt ashamed of his daughter. Although he didn't know the specific transaction, but after so many years in the mall, he could vaguely guess what it was.

And I never asked, I just wanted to deceive myself and others.

Yun Yan raised her head, looked straight at Yun Zongqiang, her face was calm, "I sprained my ankle, and Mr. Dongfang sent me to the outpatient clinic to see a doctor."

"...Well." Yun Zongqiang didn't ask any more, "That's good, by the way, your mother is worried about you, you can go home and rest these two days." The home he said was her home, not her apartment.

But Yun Yan shook her head, "No, I don't want to see someone."

Now she doesn't even save face to Yun Yu, but it's actually good, she still doesn't feel so tired.

Without waiting for Yun Zongqiang to say anything, "If there is nothing else, I will go down first."

"What's going on with Simon?"

Yun Yan shrugged, "Same as usual, no progress." Then she left the office without further words.

Seeing his daughter jumping out on one foot, Yun Zongqiang felt a little uncomfortable, and she still blamed him.


Yunyan didn't go home, nor did she go to work, she just sat in the office, sitting on the swivel chair, watching the scenery outside the window, time flies so fast, it's spring, is summer still far away?

She thought of the [-]% shares that Yun Zongqiang gave her, and she still didn't understand what he meant.

According to her own words, the total number of shares is not so much. Of course, her family is still the most.

But this ten percent was not given to Yun Qi by her father, but to her instead, which made her really puzzled.

And this [-]% is very subtle. Dad giving her [-]% means that he is going to retire. Retire?Could it be that Dad really intends to hand over the Yun family to Yunyu?
"Manager, Vice President Yun invites you to her office." The secretary knocked on the door and came in, and said to Yun Yan whose back was facing the door.

Hearing that Yun Yu was looking for her, Yun Yan frowned first, and then replied, "Tell Vice President Yun that the chairman has approved me to rest for three days."

"But Vice President Yun said it was about the Phaeton." The secretary said hesitantly, seeing that Yun Yan ignored her, she continued, "Then I'll go back to Vice President Yun."

"No need." Yun Yan spun around, "Come and help me over."

Phaeton?What does she want to do?The project has been taken down, and it has nothing to do with her, does it?
Of course, the vice president's office is more magnificent than the manager's office, twice as large as hers, with a set of reception sofas, which looks decent.

It was the first time for Yunyan to come to Yunyu's office. In fact, if she could, she would never want to come.

However, in terms of position, Yunyu is the boss. Thinking of how obediently she climbed up step by step, Yunyu was directly airborne, Yunyan wanted to change her mind, should she also grab a senior position?

When she arrived at the office, Yunyu was busy, and obviously Yunyu wanted her to wait.

(End of this chapter)

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