allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 143 Very Gentle 1

Chapter 143 Very Gentle 1
Yunyu's heart felt as if a torch had been lit, burning uncomfortably. She wanted to know the answer, and she was eager to know! !
Yunyan looked at Yunyu with a funny expression in her eyes, "You ask me what is my relationship with Qin Bai, and then ask me what is my relationship with Dongfang Boyu? Yunyu, it seems that you are very interested in me?"

Yunyu's face flashed with embarrassment.

Speaking of Qin Bai...

Yes, Qin Bai still seems to like her!Heh, where did Yunyan get her charm to seduce men one after another?
For appearing innocent?
"I heard that when the company had an accident, Dongfang Group extended a helping hand..." Yunyu said with unclear intentions, looking at Yunyan, "Could it be Dongfang Boyu's care for you?"

Yun Yan chuckled, she really had no obligation to answer Yun Yu's temptation, "Guess?"

"..." Yun Yu frowned, could it be true?

This also makes sense, why did Dongfang Group suddenly make a move to cooperate with Yun's, right?
Yunyan stood up, even though she was on one leg, she still smiled calmly, "You are the one who has always wanted to snatch it, Yunyu." She curled her lips and sneered, "As long as I show the slightest interest in anything, You will get it first, and then you will accuse me, and love to grab things with you."

Is it too funny to think like this when you are such an adult?
She looked at Yunyu and looked into her eyes, "I was thinking, you came back this time to try to snatch my fiancé away, right? But it's a pity, someone else has already snatched her away."

After finishing speaking, she laughed sarcastically, and hopped away from Yunyu's office. .

When she got to the door, she remembered it, as if she hadn't mentioned the business.She turned her head again, "Oh, by the way, about the Phaeton, I've already won the project, you can go about your own business."

"Really? But are you sure that the company has so much turnover funds? It seems that the bank loan has not yet come down?" Yunyu chuckled, her perfect smile was impeccable, "You have to be prepared, Yunyan. This is not a small amount. Oh, by the way, to remind you, I won two big projects before you, and the funds are given priority to my two projects."

"..." Yun Yan pursed her lips and left without saying anything. . .

Things haven't happened yet, so it's not as bad as Yun Yu said.

What's more, the project has been evaluated before, so there should be no problem with the bank's loan problem.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……

When I got home, it was already evening, and Yun Yan still didn't go back to her home, only to the apartment.

She now suspects that Yunyu wants to go back to live because she is disgusting with her family.

As soon as the door was opened, the opposite door opened, Dongfang Shihua saw her, "Yunyan, you are back, just in time, let's go, let's go together."

Yunyan didn't dare to place her injured foot on the ground, and when she heard Dongfang's words, she looked at her in surprise, "Where are you going?"

"Go and eat something first, and will know in a while."

"Shihua, I..."

"Shall I help you go?" Dongfang Shihua seemed a little anxious, "Hurry up, or you will be robbed by others later."

"What?" Yun Yan couldn't understand at all, what was being robbed?


(End of this chapter)

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