allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 148 Misunderstood 1

Chapter 148 Misunderstood 1
 But he really didn't mean it, he didn't want to justify, he just wanted to know if she ever loved him, just wanted to know whether this relationship had a wrong start, or he lost it halfway.

"Pei Zishuo, don't let me look down on you." Isn't it ridiculous to ask whether you have ever been in love at this time?
"It doesn't matter anymore. It doesn't matter." It doesn't matter whether she can afford it or not.

He just wants to know the answer, looking at her face, does she know, he really wants to reach out to touch her face, like before, holding her face, kissing her eyes, her face, her lips, Tell her that he misses her so much that his heart is about to break.

However, he could only think about it, he didn't even dare to appear in front of her, he could only linger in entertainment places after work.

"Yes." How could it be possible that she never loved?

She used to be such a match for him.

They all grew up in honeypots, have similar hobbies, and live in the same circle.

"I didn't even think about marrying someone other than you." Yun Yan chuckled, and when she saw Pei Zishuo hearing her words, she wanted to cry.

Could it be that his current married life is not good at all?

"I'm sorry for you..."

"When your mother said that I don't deserve you, when you were powerless two years ago and could only stand by and watch, I realized that our love is so fragile that it cannot stand the slightest test."

Yun Yan still remembered that he was forced by his mother to go on a blind date.

  Pei Zishuo lowered his eyes, "So, is it because my uselessness lost your love for me?"

Pei Zishuo lightly clenched his hands into fists, and then slowly released them, "I'm sorry, Yunyan. I'm sorry..." I'm sorry that I love you so much but can't help you, I'm sorry I love you so much but still hurt you.

I am sorry.

"No one is sorry for anyone. I lost a fiancé and a good friend." Yun Yan looked at him with downcast eyes, "Go back and spend time with Lingshan, she is still pregnant."

"If, if you do it all over again..."

Yun Yan interrupted Pei Zishuo before finishing his sentence, "There is no restart in life." If there was a restart, then she hoped that the Yun family would not face such a big crisis two years ago.

If so, she only hopes to talk about a love from dating to marriage.Only one game.

Turning around, she walked away with light steps, her eyes dimmed.

She wasn't so sad when he broke off the engagement, but when she saw Pei Zishuo now and heard her asking her that way just now, she was suddenly very sad.

She didn't know what else she had, only Yun's.

In terms of love, friendship and career, she has only one last thing left.

Outside, Dongfang Shihua and Ximen left unreliably first, and even drove the car. Yunyan saw the place where Dongfang Shihua's car was parked, and said something speechlessly. She still has to move like this. It is really miserable to watch the car at the gate tens of meters away. .

She felt that the eyes behind her had never moved away, but she left without looking back, but her pace was too slow, and she couldn't bear it. . .

Since this is already the case, why bother.

With her head lowered and her footsteps lost, she bumped into a passerby again, but unexpectedly, it was that gentle man again.

"I'm sorry." Yun Yan sniffed and looked at him slightly embarrassed.

 After apologizing, she reluctantly accelerated her movement towards the door.

(End of this chapter)

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