allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 154: Really Impulsive 3

Chapter 154: Really Impulsive 3
"Don't go to that nightclub in the future." Dongfang Boyu didn't intend to leave, but just reminded her.

Yun Yan didn't accept his kindness, and deliberately misinterpreted his meaning, "Then I go to another nightclub?"

"Yunyan, you!!" Dongfang Boyu snorted coldly, "Aren't you afraid of me now?" Dare to slap him, and dare to be so sarcastic.

Afraid, why not be afraid.

Didn't you see that she was at a safe distance from him now, but Ximen came back, so she wasn't so afraid. If he dared to mess around, Ximen would definitely help her so that she would not be bullied.

Seeing her stubborn eyes again, Dongfang Boyu snorted, and said half-scared, half-warning, "Last time in Egypt, you would be scared when you saw me holding a gun. That nightclub..."

He looked at her meaningfully, "It's not clean. People are often trafficked there..."

"Just talk nonsense." Yun Yan snorted coldly, treating her like an ignorant child, who didn't know that the nightclub was the highest standard in City I.The female publicist inside is no ordinary girl outside.

All of them are highly educated, so Yunyan couldn't figure out why they would be so self-deprecating.But who doesn't have an unspeakable addiction in life, so thinking about it, she never paid attention to such things.

"Nonsense? Then do you know who is behind the nightclub?" Dongfang Boyu gave her a contemptuous look.

"I...why should I know, I'm spending money, not looking for trouble." Who opened it, and how tough the backstage is doesn't matter to her?

"Tell me if you need a man." Dongfang Boyu said suddenly, "Don't go to that house in the future."

"..." He, what does he mean?What does it mean to tell him if you need a man, does she have such a thing?

Yun Yan's face turned red, she didn't know whether it was from anger or shame, she just wanted to send him away quickly, "It's over? Please leave when you're done."

Just as he was talking, Ximen finally came out of the shower, wearing a bathrobe one size larger, with water droplets still hanging from his hair.

Seeing that the two were wearing nightgowns, although there would be nothing between her and him, Dongfang Boyu was upset. He glanced at Yunyan, "Go back to the room and change clothes."

"Why should I change it?" Why change after taking a shower.

"So you want my help?" After speaking, he was about to stand up, looking as if he meant to do what he said, Yun Yan screamed and flashed back to the room.

Dongfang Boyu smiled slightly, seeing Ximen standing there, he stopped the smile, "What's the matter with you and Shihua?"

Simon looked at him, and said plainly but seriously, "I'm not the one she's looking for." He didn't want to be a substitute, nor did he want to be a substitute.

All her goodness is because he may be the person she is looking for. Her persistence, her sadness, and her smile are all for the man in her heart.

He is not.

Hearing his words, Dongfang Boyu frowned, "I'll find you a place to live."

It's inconvenient to intervene in Shihua's emotional matters, but now that it's about the safety of his woman's residence, he wants to intervene. . . .

Of course, the so-called his woman was just his wishful thinking.

A person who would get slapped even for a kiss and was tried to be molested, how could he be his woman?
Ximen pursed his lips and refused, "No need."

(End of this chapter)

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