allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 170 Encountering a Crisis 3

Chapter 170 Encountering a Crisis 3
One of the employees stood up hesitantly, "I heard that the president of Bank X was involved in corruption and bribery, and the gift-giver was also involved."

Yun Yan asked everyone else to leave the meeting room, then sat down again, and looked at the man in front of her.

This man's name is Zhang Ming'an, he graduated from a famous university, and his work ability is very good. It's not like he would ask such an idiot question just now, and it's this time.

She looked at him with a serious face. The last time she asked President X to come out to talk about something, she brought him there.

In other words, he knows about giving gifts.He is even responsible for a large part of it.

Zhang Ming'an was startled by Yun Yan's serious face, "Manager Yun."

"Zhang Ming'an, you're not someone who can ask such idiotic questions, why did you suddenly ask such idiotic questions?" Yun Yan looked at him amusedly, but after a little guesswork, she could guess the reason.

Is he afraid of being abandoned by her, as a dead ghost or something?

"Manager Yun." Zhang Ming'an looked at her uneasily, "I heard that two senior executives from Dell's company were taken to the police station for questioning today."

"So?" Yun Yan held the signature pen in one hand and fiddled with it, "What are you afraid of?"

"Manager Yun."

"How long have you been in Yun's?" Yun Yan looked at his face and guessed another possibility.

"Two years." Zhang Mingan answered honestly.

To be honest, if Yunyan didn't think highly of him and was willing to use a young man with a shrewd mind, it would be impossible for him to climb to his current position within two years.

"What benefit did Yun Yu give you?" Yun Chu suddenly said such an incoherent sentence, and she kept her eyes fixed on Zhang Ming'an, so when she finished speaking, she still caught the flash of surprise in his eyes.

Sure is such a possibility.

"Manager Yun, is there really no problem? If the police station sends someone over..."

"Zhang Ming'an, what did we give President X?" Yun Yan 'friendly' reminded Zhang Ming'an, but she was also very surprised from the bottom of her heart, was Zhang Ming'an even subdued by Yun Yu?

She had heard that how many young talents wanted to join the group of Yunyu.

Yunyu has lived abroad for many years, and her lifestyle is very western, as is her way of thinking. She encourages young people to innovate instead of sticking to the rules.

Moreover, she is bolder than Yun Yan in this point. Although Yun Yan is also very supportive of smart young people who can do something, she usually has an observation period.

On the other hand, Yunyu was appointed directly, even with an attitude of trust. Of course, the premise was to investigate and understand the employer.

To put it bluntly, Yunyu was the people who Ming robbed Yunyan and wanted to use it.

Asked by her, Zhang Ming'an came to his senses, it seems that he hasn't given President X anything yet, what he talked about before, the loan, how much kickback he gave to Bank X...

But the loan has not come down yet.

He looked up at Yun Yan, but saw the irony in her eyes, "Manager Yun."

"Since you think Yun Yu's group is better, then you can go to her group." Yun Yan stood up, ticking the corner of her mouth ironically, "Just, are you sure that Yun Yu didn't come to check on you, but wanted you into her group?"

Zhang Mingan's expression changed, "Manager Yun, I didn't say anything."

"I'm not interested in knowing whether you said anything, but if you ask like this, Zhang Ming'an, it's useless for me to support you for the past two years." Yun Yan walked to the door of the meeting room, and turned to look at him again.

(End of this chapter)

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