allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 173 Agreeing to a Blind Date 1

Chapter 173 Agreeing to a Blind Date 1
 Qin Bai nodded, "Why do you have business with X Bank?"

Yunyan nodded, and looked at Qin Bai with sad eyes, "It's not just business, didn't you sign a new project cooperation with Phaeton last week? The lending bank is Bank X."

Thinking of the predicament she was about to face, Yun Yan took another sip of liquor, really wishing she could drink away her worries.

Qin Bai looked at her, but he didn't stop her, but turned his pitiful eyes around her face.

"You also want to say that I'm unlucky?" Yun Yan curled her lips ironically, "Anyway, since Yun Yu came back, it seems that nothing is going well for me this year."

When talking about Yun Yu, she glanced at him out of the corner of her eye and found that he was calm as usual, it seemed that he still had no intention of explaining his relationship with Yun Yu.

"Have you bribed?" Seeing that she wanted to drink again, he held her hand down, "This is baijiu. Even if you want to exercise your drinking capacity, remember that I am a man, okay?"

Between the words, it seems to be joking and serious.

Yun Yan didn't think deeply about the meaning of the second part of his sentence, but only pondered over the first part of his sentence, "Well, who doesn't bribe in business."

If someone gives you such a large loan without giving any benefits to others, why should others cooperate with you?

The kind of person who desires to be as clean as clear water is the most naive, so she really doesn't like shopping malls, they are too dirty.I also saw too much ugliness of human nature.

Qin Bai frowned, "Do you know why President X was arrested?"

"Aren't you taking bribes?" Yun Yan looked at him and frowned, and smiled, "Well, although it's tricky, it's not impossible to solve it. I'll make an appointment with Bank A to talk about it tomorrow."

"X line has something to do with the higher authorities." Qin Bai said cryptically, Yun Yan couldn't understand at first, but when she came back to her senses, her brows were also frowned, "You mean you have something to do with officials?"

Now the whole country is cracking down on corruption, and everyone is like a frightened bird.

But Yunyan really didn't think about it further, but she didn't know how Qin Bai knew about it.

Obviously, the report also said that President X was corrupt and accepted bribes, but it didn't mention who he was related to.

"Well, what did you give?" Qin Bai looked at her worriedly, she really had an unusual back.

Yun Yan shook her head, "I gave the younger one before the older one." Yun Yan patted her chest, suddenly thinking of the possibility, she sat upright, her face became serious, "Will you not be sent for investigation?"

If something like this happens again, she's really afraid that his father won't be able to bear the blow.

But this matter is not small, not to mention the nature of the matter, just talk about Yun Yu, she will definitely tell her father about this matter with an attitude of pretending to care.

"Oops." Yunyan stood up abruptly, Yunyu wondered if she would go home and tell her father about it now.

"what happened?"

"Check out, I have something to go back first." When Yunyan thought of Yunyu's behavior, she really couldn't guarantee that Yunyu would make things worse and say something.

Qin Bai threw the money on the table and didn't ask for change, so he chased it out, "What's wrong?"

Yun Yan drank a little wine, but she was still very sober, got into the car and turned on the ignition, looked at Qin Bai, "I'm afraid Yun Yu will talk nonsense to my dad."

Why didn't she think of this before, if she hadn't been talking to Qin Bai, she would still be patiently thinking about the solution.

For a moment, she forgot about Yunyu, and forgot that she loved to make trouble for their family the most.

(End of this chapter)

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