allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 179 Things Are Serious 2

Chapter 179 Things Are Serious 2
 Lingshan smiled and looked sideways at her, "I'm sorry, Yunyan."

I'm sorry... There's no need to apologize at this time, Yun Yan raised her head and drank the wine in the glass.

Lingshan is her best friend. After the friendship with her ended, she couldn't even find a good friend to talk to, only ordinary friends who gossip and laugh around.

"Lingshan, compared to Pei Zishuo, I am more saddened to lose you as a good friend." Yun Yan patted Qin Bai, signaling him to leave the bar first.

Qin Bai whispered in her ear, "I'll wait for you outside."


When Lingshan heard Yunyan's words, she was so sad that she wanted to cry.

She thought that Yunyan didn't love Pei Zishuo, and if she loved her, she could be with Pei Zishuo.

But forget, love is what you want, and one-sided love can only be unfortunate.

Seeing her like this, Yun Yan had no choice but to play with the empty wine glass in her hand. The friend who used to talk about everything has now become a relationship that can't say a word.

Lingshan opened her mouth to say something, but she couldn't come out either.

If it weren't for the noisy voices in the bar, this kind of atmosphere would only make people feel awkward. After two or three minutes of silence, Yunyan let go of the wine glass she was holding tightly, and looked at her, "It's getting late, I I'm leaving."

"Yunyan." When Lingshan heard that she was about to leave, she stretched out her hand to grab her wrist.

Yun Yan looked at her with a slight frown, but in the end she didn't wave her hand away, just stood still, listening to what she had to say next.

However, the bar was too noisy, and Lingshan spoke too quietly, so she couldn't hear clearly.

It seemed that Lingshan was saying, can you forgive me?
Yun Yan had no choice but to lean forward, and whispered in Lingshan's ear, "I never blamed you, I was just sad that you liked him but didn't tell me, but you used this method."

Made her lose her best friend and made her feel like she was a joke.

She treated people with sincerity, but others stabbed her with knives.

Yun Yan pulled back her hand, passed her, and left the bar.

Lingshan froze for a moment, then rushed to chase Yunyan.

Outside the bar, Qin Bai was smoking a cigarette and leaning against his car. Yun Yan walked out of the bar and was about to walk towards him when he saw a man walking towards him. The two of them didn't know what they were talking about, but Qin Bai's expression was very ugly.

Yun Yan looked at the man's face, as if she had seen it somewhere before, but before she remembered it, Ling Shan chased him out. Seeing her walking so fast and her belly puffed out, Yun Yan was really afraid that something might happen to her.

"Yunyan. Pei Zishuo and I are getting divorced soon." Lingshan said panting slightly.

I have to say that upon hearing such news, Yun Yan was really shocked. Looking at Ling Shan, she realized that she was serious, "Why?"

"When the child is born, we will divorce." Lingshan seemed to have made a very important decision, "Then I will go abroad for further studies." If it wasn't for such a mistake, everyone should be fine now.

But... nothing worked.

Although Yunyan was surprised, she still held back her desire to ask further questions, and just said oh, "Well, you are already an adult, you have to think clearly about every decision you make."

After finishing speaking, she smiled apologetically, "Sorry, my friend has been waiting for a long time, I should go."

"Is he your boyfriend?" Lingshan asked suddenly.

 Yun Yan glanced at Qin Bai's direction, and found that he was left leaning beside the car.

(End of this chapter)

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