allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 182 Things Are Serious 5

Chapter 182 Things Are Serious 5
But if he retaliates against his boss, tries to demand 'justice' and then breaks into the office to threaten his boss, no one will hire him, let alone promote him, no matter how capable he is.

Zhang Ming'an just stepped forward, handed the resignation letter in front of Yun Yan, and then bowed deeply, "I'm sorry, Manager Yun."

Yun Yan just glanced at his resignation envelope, but did not read the resignation letter inside.

And for Zhang Ming'an's apology, she didn't generously say that I forgive you or something.

He just said slightly puzzled, "Actually, you don't have to resign."

Zhang Mingan twitched his lips, "Firing and resigning, the latter sounds better."

Originally thought that Zhang Ming'an came to her to fight the strategy of retreating into advance, but he didn't expect that he really wanted to resign, and he said something like he didn't know good from bad.

Saying that he has no vision, that he deserves it, and finally thanked Yunyan for his favor in the past two years.

If I knew this earlier, why bother.

Yun Yan just hummed lightly throughout the whole process, and then seeing that he had nothing more to say, she let him leave. As for the resignation, she approved it.

Heaven and hell are usually created in one thought.

Zhang Ming'an turned and left, Yun Yan continued to work, she had to go to Hangzhou on a business trip tomorrow, so she had to finish her work today.


After returning from a business trip in Hangzhou for a day and a half, Yun Yan didn't even have time to go home and change her clothes, so she went back to the company first, because she just received a call that she was in trouble.

With regard to the X-line accident, if it was just an ordinary type of arrest, it would not be involved to such an extent, but now is the strictest time.

And she was unlucky enough to be in the stage of being investigated, and she was also unlucky to be one of the people under investigation.

It's because she belongs to the Yun family, and she also has an identity, Yun Zongqiang's daughter.

Yun Yan hurried back to the office with a pale face. She didn't know if there was a malicious competition involving her peers who wanted to hit Yun's, but she knew that this matter had nothing to do with her father.

However, she is Yun Zongqiang's daughter, so even if she says she has nothing to do with it, it's useless.

The suspected bribery is still a small matter, and the bigger one is money laundering.

Regarding the three words of money laundering, Yun Yan had only heard of the three words when she entered the mall, but had never come into contact with them, so when she received a call to cooperate with the investigation, her first thought was not what would happen to her, but, if she was investigation, then she won't have time to take charge of the Phaeton project.

Funding has not yet arrived, but the start date of Phaeton's project is approaching day by day.

Originally, she received a call from Qin Bai in Hangzhou, saying that she had made an appointment with someone from Line Y for dinner the next day. Now, she was sent to investigate, and the appointment would naturally be cancelled.

Because the incident was more serious than expected, Yunyan was sent to investigate without even seeing Yun Zongqiang's face.

No one in the entire Yun family dared to talk about it.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening when Yunyan was released to go home.

The matter was very serious, and she was unfortunately involved in it. She originally wanted to go back to the apartment, but in order not to get involved with Ximen and Dongfang Shihua, she consciously went home.

Now she is not only being investigated, but also being monitored.

Compared with bribery and money laundering, the accusation of the latter is obviously much heavier. If the investigation is true and she is really involved in it, imprisonment is almost certain.

(End of this chapter)

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