allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 184 He Came 2

Chapter 184 He Came 2
Yun Zongqiang nodded.

But Yunyu said, "Uncle, what happened to Yunyan being involved in the investigation of President X? The family of some friends I know is..."

"It's okay." Yun Zongqiang interrupted her and stood up, "Xiaoyan didn't do those things, and he just cooperated with the investigation, so he should do what he usually does."

Yun Yan didn't hear what they said later, she just went back to the room, threw herself onto the big bed, took the pillow and covered her face tiredly, why is this year so bad? ! !

The date with Y Xing really went to waste, and it was Qin Bai himself who called to tell her apologetically.

Yun Yan sat in the office, suppressed the irritability in her heart and expressed her understanding, "I know, um, I'll work first if it's okay."

"Yunyan, is it convenient for you to come out and see me?" Qin Bai's words were cryptic, but Yunyan didn't understand, she just said apologetically, "I'm busy with work these days, let's talk about it later. That's it for now, goodbye."

She is currently under surveillance and doesn't want to get involved with Qin Bai, so she can't say this clearly, she can only refuse to say it thousands of miles away.I don't know if he misunderstood, thinking that she was angry because of the failure of the Y line.

"Well, that's good." Qin Bai hung up the phone.

In this dangerous limelight, anyone who knew that Yunyan was involved in this matter knew that this matter involved the Yun family.So there was almost no need for it, no one would visit Yun's house at this time.


There are always exceptions.

This day Yunyan got off work as usual, she is very well-behaved now, except to go to the company and go home, when she saw the black car parked in front of her house, there were two more not far away, she felt relieved, her feet were anxious, and she mistakenly used the gas pedal for the brake, Bang... hit the black car parked in front of the house.

The black thread hangs from her forehead deeply, people who don't know it will think she did it on purpose.

However, she was really frightened by the familiar car at the door.

Seems like it's always going to be the black sedan...

She unbuckled her seat belt, and even if she didn't want to, she had to get out of the car to check the situation. It should be empty, right?

In fact, someone sitting in the back seat of the car was really taken aback by this sudden rear-end collision, even Tianyu was too.

Ms. Yun's resentment is too much, right?This can hit?
Tianyu got out of the car to open the door for Dongfang Boyu. Dongfang Boyu was wearing a very formal suit, and it seemed that he was very serious about this visit.

As soon as Yunyan got out of the car, he met his slightly sharp eyes. Seeing her, his face softened a lot, and his eyes gradually became gentle.

Yun Yan first went to see the place where she was rear-ended, and then stayed there...

Her car is not cheap either?But, why did his car just look like a little scratch, while her car was completely sunken in. Could it be that his car has been remodeled to be made of steel?

"Tianyu, take the meeting gift in." Dongfang Boyu looked at Yunyan and said, just now he inadvertently learned that she got into trouble, and it was not an ordinary trouble.

Yun Yan looked at him, her lips moved, but she couldn't say a word.

Why did he come to visit her house suddenly? According to what he said before, it should be two days.

(End of this chapter)

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