Chapter 201 Cancel

 You have to choose a date for getting engaged, and it will take a month or so soon, right?

She felt that it would be better not to report this kind of thing first. Of course, she asked in a discussing tone, and she didn't know whether he would agree or not.

Seeing the silence over there, Yun Yan had no choice but to change her mouth, "You..."

"Yes." With two words, he agreed to her request.


"I don't want to hear you say thank you to me in the future." Dongfang Boyu sighed slightly.

Through the mobile phone, she didn't hear it, but she still said mischievously, "Thank you, these are three words.",

"...naughty." He chuckled softly, "I'm still busy, I'll see you tomorrow."

"En." After hanging up the phone, Yun Yan suddenly found a strange situation. He just said that he would look for her tomorrow, but she actually said eh? !
Shouldn't she have said no? !


Dongfang Boyu hung up the phone and called Tianyu from outside the study, "Cancel tomorrow's report."

Although Tianyu was surprised, he still said, "Okay."

Dongfang Boyu asked him to go out first, and he walked to the computer and connected to the interrupted video, "Mom, I will bring Yunyan back to see you in a few days."

Xu Qingyou was making a facial mask, lying on the bed, holding the computer in her hands, and said, "Bo Yu, have you seen Shi Hua? That girl's phone is no longer available."

"She's not a child anymore, she must be busy with something." Dongfang Boyu saw Master Yun walking into the room at the end of the video, and he immediately called out, "Dad."

Master Yun hummed, and Xu Qingyou shoved the computer into his hands, "You chat with your son first, I'll go to the bathroom."

Dongfang Boyu was throbbing for a while, he and Master Yun had never had anything to talk about, most of them were trained...

There is no way, the education of the sons of the Dongfang family is all wolf style, spoiling their daughters lawlessly, the sons can't wait to be trained in two ways.

So, at this time, Dongfang Boyu sat upright and said in a formulaic tone, "Dad, I met Hu Guomin today."

Master Yun still cherishes words like gold and hums.

Dongfang Boyu said again, "He said he would never forget your kindness back then."


"..." Dongfang Boyu felt that he couldn't continue talking, is there no second word?
Before Dongfang Boyu could think of the next topic, Master Yun had already said, "How are you handling the marriage contract?"

"I'll take Yunyan back to see you in a few days." Dongfang Boyu said seriously, "I told my mother just now, and she said that people will choose the date of engagement."

"Get married if you can."

"..." Dongfang Boyu was stunned for half a second, staring at the computer screen.


"It's impossible to get married directly..." Engagement is three tribulations.

Master Yun let out a sigh, as if he was not very interested in this matter, he just said lightly, "I heard from your uncle, you often go to China recently?"

When Master Yun doesn't care, no one will care about what he does, but if he cares about something, if you don't take it for granted, the consequences will be quite serious.

"I've been here a few times, chasing girls..." Dongfang Boyu paused and did not continue.

Even through the screen, he felt that his father had seen through him.

 Master Yun glanced in the direction of the bathroom.

(End of this chapter)

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