allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 204 Qin Bai makes a move

Chapter 204 Qin Bai makes a move
 Yun Yan was still thinking wildly, but Qin Bai calmly comforted her, "I just came to buy something."


Seeing that he didn't want to say more, Yun Yan's butt was a little numb, and leaned forward, chuckled in his ear and said, "You won't tell me suddenly that you actually have an ulterior background?"

Qin Bai picked up the tea that the waitress had just poured, took a sip calmly and gracefully, and put down the teacup lightly, before he looked at her with a slight smile, "What if it is?"

He was laughing, smiling, smiling the same way he always did.

Yun Yan was a little uncertain, and quickly thought of what she knew, and shook her head decisively, "Impossible." This kind of thing that seems to be made up has a low probability of happening in reality, okay?

Before Qin Bai could answer, Yunyan suddenly caught a glimpse of the man sitting gracefully in front of them.

With an impeccable side profile, people can see that this kind of man is simply poison to women.

He was sitting alone, and there was a man standing next to him, like a bodyguard.

Suddenly, she thought of something, and glared at Qin Bai, "Qin Bai, tell me the truth, why did you have to bring a female companion with you, didn't you make it up?"

Qin Bai smiled lightly, his eyes were intense, "Okay, I admit it."

Yun Yan looked at him speechlessly, "You lied to me too, this society is such a big mess." She teased with a light smile.

Qin Bai still kept smiling, but his heart sank slightly.

Raising her eyes, she could easily see the man's back here. After thinking about it, she moved closer to Qin Bai again, "Qin Bai, do you know the man in front?"

Qin Bai shook his head.

Well, just a stranger, in fact, there is no need to go to the bottom of this.

But with such a coincidence, she really felt that things like fate were weird.

What's even weirder is that the man looked back at her...

Before she could draw her eyes away, the eyes of the two collided unexpectedly.

Yun Yan was a little embarrassed by him, it was very rude for her to stare at him like that just now.But, who made the sight so coincidental, she just stood in the stands, and then looked at him by the way.

Seeing the man turn around, Qin Bai frowned slightly.

Looking at Yun Yan with an embarrassed face again, he whispered in her ear, "I know who he is now."

Didn't you just say you don't know?

Yun Yan hummed, and was about to ask, but the host on the stage had already turned on the microphone and was talking about the scene.

Seeing Qin Bai looking seriously at the stage, Yun Yan tugged at the sleeve of his white suit, "Who?"

Qin Bai patted the back of her hand reassuringly, "I'll tell you later."

To Yunyan's surprise, the auction items this time were all precious private collections.

It is also what Qin Bai said before, the collection of a woman who is very cute but has a very important status.

Whether this is the tip of the iceberg or all of it is unknown, but even if it is all of it, it would be terrifying enough to convert it into cash.

What's more, antiques are just hobbies for people to collect.

What Qin Bai fell in love with was a painting, a Chinese painting. It is said that it was made by an official of the former dynasty. He died young. Although he was not well-known in the painting world, his poems are highly respected. Even now, when you mention him, Many people still know his name.

Yunyan couldn't tell whether the painting was authentic or not.

When the woman in cheongsam was standing in front of them holding the painting, she saw that Qin Bai didn't even look at it carefully, so she directly offered the price, "1000 million."

(End of this chapter)

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