Chapter 207
 The Dongfang family has always been adhering to the inheritance method of ancient Chinese aristocratic families, and the head of the family can only be the eldest son of the main house.

So far, there has not been any disordered gauge.

The previous generation was Lord Yun, so the patriarch of this generation must be Dongfang Boyu.

Although Master Yun is still the Patriarch, he already intends to inherit it. Therefore, after Dongfang Boyu took over the Dongfang Group, he also started to take over the affairs of the Patriarch.

However, not every Patriarch takes over can be solved so easily.

Especially today's younger generation, who have accepted too much Western thought and have been greatly influenced, are more willing to select the Patriarch on the basis of ability.

Yes, that is called democracy.

Some people in the family think that it is too unfair to inherit the family business with only the distance of the head of the house, and it is too unfair to other outstanding descendants in the family.

A few generations up, isn't it all the same ancestor?

Therefore, there is civil strife in the Dongfang family now. Although this trend is not obvious, it is already slowly adding to the chaos.

Democratic elections?

Of course, the other clan disciples who have been taken care of by Master Yun for many years don't think this is a good way at all. The rules left by the ancestors are the rules that should be followed, and they are also the rules for the family to continue to be strong and prosperous.

There is nothing wrong with this way of inheritance for the eldest son of the main house.

However, those who agree with this method also have doubts about Dongfang Boyu.

Although the tiger father has no dogs and sons, Master Yun is so outstanding that it is difficult to surpass him.

Even his son...

Dongfang Minghao, the person who dared to challenge Dongfang Boyu first, even if Dongfang Boyu knew that his identity was not suitable for intervening in this matter, he still had to frighten his clansmen.

Sometimes, Thunder's methods are the best way to admit their own strength.

Dongfang Minghao laughed softly when he heard Dongfang Boyu's words, "So, do you like the gift I gave you?"

Dongfang Boyu looked at him coldly, "Are you going to let me drag you out and push you to be criticized by the clan, or will you surrender yourself?"

"I don't understand what you're talking about. It's just a little jade finger. If you feel that spending 7000 million is too distressing, I can help you pay for it. I'll give you the jade finger."

Dongfang Minghao was pretending to be crazy, but Dongfang Boyu stretched out his hand, and Tianyuzhi lit a cigar for him.

After taking a sip, he felt that the pain was not so uncomfortable. He looked at Dongfang Minghao coldly, "Come back with me."

"That depends on whether you have the ability to keep me. decide to fight me in such a place?"

Dongfang Minghao shrugged, "I don't care, but you are the one who wants to be the head of the family..."

Dongfang Boyu frowned, but at some point, Dongfang Minghao's men were already standing there, as if they were only waiting for an order to make a move.

This is a public place, and this is China.

"Dongfang Minghao, do you think that if you leave today, you can leave tomorrow?"

"It depends on how strong you are to find me." Dongfang Minghao looked at him with a smile, "Although you are a legitimate successor, there are still a lot of doubts in the clan now. Dongfang Boyu, why should you , do you think you will be able to become the head of the family?"

If he is dead, can he still be in it?

"Because I am the eldest son of Dongfang Yun." Dongfang Boyu breathed out a smoke ring, "Dongfang Minghao, if it comes to being the head of the family, you are far from qualified."

(End of this chapter)

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