allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 231 You Are My Idol

Chapter 231 You Are My Idol
He thought that there was probably no one else except his mother who thought his father was easy to talk to.

Even Dongfang Shihua would not be able to say such words against her will.

Yun Yan looked at Master Yun, this is the person who created the myth of the Eastern Group, since he was in charge of the Eastern Group, there were very few reports about him.

However, anyone who has heard of his name knows that he is like a figure standing on the top of the gods.

"Hello, Uncle." Yun Yan greeted politely like a child, "Uncle, you have always been my idol."

"Why didn't you say that?" Dongfang Boyu's words were slightly sour, idol?

Yun Yan glanced at him, but he didn't know it, and began to tear down Master Yun's platform, "Actually, my father is very fierce, others are afraid of him..."

Xu Qingyou chuckled while listening.

Master Yun glanced at Dongfang Boyu indifferently, and Dongfang Boyu immediately shut up.

When Yun Yan saw this, the corner of her mouth curled into an arc, it seemed that his father's power could shock anyone.

Master Yun didn't say anything to Yun Yan, but just said to Dongfang Boyu, "Come with me to the study."

Xu Qingyou looked reassuringly at Yunyan, who was a little uneasy, "The father and son have some business to discuss, Xiaoyan, would you go for a walk in the garden with auntie?"

Yun Yan smiled and nodded.

"Yun is a bit more serious, the children are a little afraid of him, didn't they scare you?" Xu Qingyou walked in her garden with Yunyan, she pointed to the swing, "Would you like to sit down?"


"Shihua is the only one in the family who is not afraid of him the most." Xu Qingyou looked at Yunyan, in fact, she already knew everything she should know, but she was still very surprised, why Bo Yu suddenly wanted to marry her.

"Is Bo Yu's personality following that of your uncle?" But looking at it, it doesn't seem like it.

"Bo Yu... is more along with his second uncle." Xu Qingyou said with a smile, "You will see his second uncle when you get engaged. When he was young, his second uncle had a more impulsive personality. , but fortunately he neutralized his father's character, otherwise I would have a headache."

As she spoke, she chuckled softly, "Usually, Bo Yu has made things difficult for you, right?"

Um?I don't know which kind Mrs. Dongfang refers to?Yun Yan looked at her, and seeing that Xu Qingyou was just asking casually, not with a purpose, she also nodded casually, "It's okay, but it's just a bit domineering. Now that I'm better, I'll ask for my opinion."

As she spoke, she laughed to herself, "But even if you ask for my opinion, I can't change it in the end."

Xu Qingyou chuckled when she heard this, "Like his character, Bo Yu has always been like this since he was a child, and he knows exactly what he wants."

"That's right." Yun Yan agreed.

She and Xu Qingyou met for the first time, and it was a pleasant meeting. Xu Qingyou was very friendly and easy to talk to.


Everything went well during the day, however, at night, there was a problem that had to be faced squarely, that is, the problem of her living.

Originally, before coming here, she had arranged to meet with Dongfang Boyu's family during the day, have a meal, and then she would go back to the hotel she had booked for a stay.

Then how to arrange the schedule during the day depends on Dongfang Boyu, determine the wedding date, and then return to the country, that's how it is.

However, she did not expect that she would live in Dongfang's house.

(End of this chapter)

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