allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 245 What You Don't Know 4

Chapter 245 What You Don't Know 4
"Do you think that all men should be in charge of the company at a young age, like in novels?"

Yunyan said nothing.

"He tried his best and abandoned his dignity in order to help you, but he still couldn't help you. What you see, you only see him standing by and watching, and you can't see the hard work behind him."

Lingshan chuckled, "Even if you pay off the debt, Yunyan, you have to help him this time."

She doesn't know, she really doesn't know.

Yun Yan finally sat down again, "Where is he?"

"I don't know, but I know that if he knew that you paid for the money, he wouldn't take it." Lingshan looked at her, "Assuming I borrowed the money from you. You don't need to call me shameless, I don't care about anything." Alright, Yunyan, now I can only beg you."

Yun Yan hummed, she was just a little puzzled, "Aren't you going to divorce him? Why are you still willing to bear so much debt for him?"

"The biggest mistake I made with him was to love someone who shouldn't be loved." Lingshan pulled the corner of her mouth into a smile, "I heard that you are getting engaged, congratulations. From now on, after this, I will not appear in your room again." before."

Yun Yan stood up, "I don't have that much money, give me a few days, and I'll call you when I get the money."

Without saying anything more, she walked out of the western restaurant.

The sun outside was a bit fierce, and Yunyan pressed the remote control to get in the car, feeling extremely irritated.

Although she agreed to Lingshan, where would she go to get 1000 million?

You can't embezzle company funds, can you?She dismissed this idea as soon as it came to her mind. This kind of illegal thing cannot be done.

Driving the car along the river, she walked along the river alone, filtering out ways to get money N times in her mind.

But 200 million is okay, 1000 million is really too big.

Pei Zishuo, you lunatic, go to Macau to gamble if you have nothing to do, I really think you are a gambler.

How many people who go to Macau to gamble can make money, otherwise how can the king of gambling make money, where can they earn the money of a Lamborghini in one minute?
1000! ! !

Selling her may not be worth the money.

Walking irritably, the mobile phone in her pocket rang, she picked it up, and when she heard Qin Bai's voice, she said in a depressed mood, "Huh? Walking by the river."

Five minutes later, Qin Bai's car stopped by the river. He got out of the car and saw the dent in the rear of her car, and walked towards her, "What's wrong with your car?"

"Oh, I was rear-ended when I went out just now, don't mention it, I didn't even see the license plate number, so I let him run away." Thinking about it, everything really went wrong today.

Qin Bai looked at her, "The dark circles under your eyes are so heavy, didn't you sleep well?"

Yun Yan didn't hide it from him, "I went to the United States, and the jet lag is not bad."

As for what she was going to America for, she didn't say specifically, and he didn't ask specifically, but both of them were smart enough to know what she was going to America for.

"Not in a good mood?" Qin Bai asked with a smile as he watched her put his thoughts on his face, "Tell me and listen, maybe I can't help you much, but it's okay to be your audience."

Yun Yan laughed and said, "I just put a hot potato on the table."


"Pei Zishuo owes 1000 million gambling debts." Yun Yan exhaled lightly, originally she had no feelings for Pei Zishuo.

But when she heard Lingshan's words, she suddenly felt that fate was tricking her. If she had known what Pei Zishuo had done...

(End of this chapter)

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