allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 256 My Smoke 5

Chapter 256 My Smoke 5
On the top floor of the casino, Dongfang Boyu interrupted the conversation with Dongfang Bolin because of the phone call. He stood up, put one hand in his trouser pocket, walked to the French windows, and watched the night view of Macau.

Hearing her question, he chuckled and said jokingly, "Go to the woman's bed."

"..." It's really a cold joke.Yun Yan rolled her eyes speechlessly, not accepting the joke he thought was very funny.

Seeing her silent, Dongfang Boyu hurriedly chased after her, "In Macau."

"On the bed of a woman in Macau?" She asked intentionally, her tone was light, but she pierced into someone's heart.

"Not jealous?" How could the reaction be like this.

And for someone, the unhappiness in New York seems to have long passed, and there is no sign of grudges at this time.

"Oriental Boyu!"

"Talk about something, I'll go to City I tomorrow." He said, thinking of her angry expression, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Never thought that one day he would fly to China so frequently.It's because of a woman. If it was before, he must have been very disdainful.

"I can't go up." Yun Yan already knew from his words that he was indeed in Macau, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was Dongfang Boyu who set Pei Zishuo a trap.

Although she is not thinking so narcissistically, Dongfang Boyu is a very domineering person, and he is the one who does not allow others to bully him, himself, and his.

In a sense, she has already been included in his circle, so the insult and grievance she suffered at the beginning, it is hard to guarantee that he will not settle the score on others in the future.

He is the kind of character who only allows him to set fire and not allow others to light lamps.

Talk about reason?Talk about fairness?
Sorry, you are not even qualified to talk.

Dongfang Boyu took the wine glass handed over by Dongfang Bolin, shook it and took a sip.

Hearing Yun Yan's words, he reacted and raised his eyes, "Baby, are you going to surprise me?" There was a quarrel or something, and everything disappeared at this moment.

Although being slapped and then giving sweet dates makes people feel that there is no bottom line, but I have to say that she really did a great job with this date.

He even had the illusion of being flattered, is this woman enlightened?
Yun Yan was chilled by his precious voice, "Dongfang Boyu, I'm at the elevator entrance of the casino right now, and they won't let me go up."

she really came?

How did she know he was here?

Dongfang Boyu's whereabouts are not even known to his secretary, so, is this really fate?

Dongfang Boyu raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "I'll let Tianyu go down to pick you up." In fact, he wanted to say that he went down to pick him up by himself, but doing so would be a little demeaning, and he looked at Dongfang Bolin on the side, who seemed to be Throw a contemptuous look at yourself?

After hanging up the phone, he couldn't hide the smile on the corner of his mouth, and he smiled at Dongfang Bolin, "Surprises really make you feel better, brother Bolin."

After the words fell, he raised his head and drank a big sip of wine, feeling extremely comfortable physically and mentally.

But the bystanders are much more sober than him, Dongfang Bolin poured cold water on him and said, "When will others know your whereabouts?"


"Tch." Thinking about it with his toes, and combining the logic of the incident, Dongfang Bolin can say with certainty that the reason why Yunyan appeared here is definitely the reason why he will not be happy.

(End of this chapter)

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