allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 271 You Are Worthless 1

Chapter 271 You Are Worthless 1
 so?Is she just looking for a free opportunity to step on someone?
The expression on Yun Yan's face didn't move much, she looked at her, "Sorry, I still have a lot of things to do, and I don't have so much time to chat with you."

"You are just an existence being used." Yun Yu ignored Yun Yan's impatience, seeing Yun Yan's expression was so calm, she just couldn't see it, if she insisted on saying something that trampled someone, it was best to make Yun Yan jump in anger.

But Yunyan was extremely calm, not only that, but also said coolly, "That's really sad, you are not even worth using."

"Huh? Really?" Yunyu sneered.

Seeing this, Yun Yan looked at her in surprise, "You don't think you want to grab a man from me, do you? Pfft, that's really bloody."

"You underestimate your fiancé too much." An unhappy voice came from pushing the door, Yun Yan and Yun Yu looked at Dongfang Boyu who appeared at the door at the same time, both of them had unnatural expressions on their faces.

But Dongfang Boyu walked in without knowing it, "You know, I have always been 'used' by you."

Yun Yan twitched the corners of her mouth speechlessly, what he said was really brazen.

Yun Yu greeted him and left without saying anything more.

She had been at odds with Yunyan since she was a child, but she didn't have the courage to offend Dongfang Boyu.

"Aren't you looking for my dad? Why did you come down?" Yun Yan watched him casually sitting on the edge of the desk, "There are chairs over there."

"Your father is in a meeting. So I came down to see you. Why, did she provoke you again?" Dongfang Boyu casually picked up the signature pen on the table and played with it in his hand.

Yunyan didn't answer, just looked at the computer screen, and said after a while, "I'm used to it."

Dongfang Boyu looked at the magazines on the table and raised his eyebrows, "You still read these at work?"

Upon hearing what he said, Yun Yan picked up the magazine and stuffed it into the drawer, and said with a somewhat uncomfortable face, "I'll read it during my lunch break."

"Show me," he said.

Yunyan pretended to be stupid, pretending to look at the computer seriously, "I'm very busy, you can do whatever you want."

"Is there anything I can't read?" Dongfang Boyu easily got the magazine from the drawer, flipped through it casually, and said distressedly, "The photography skills are really poor."

Without waiting for her to answer, he continued, "Actually, I look more handsome when I shoot from the right."

"..." Is he joking?
Of course, he was joking. People from the Dongfang family hardly appeared in magazines or news, except for necessary business appearances.

However, now he appears in gossip magazines...

"This is a photo from a long time ago." He said again.Yun Yan couldn't concentrate on looking at the computer, because he talked too much.

"En." She responded casually, but she still didn't look at him.

She knew better than him what was written in the magazine.

It's clearer what the photo above is.

However, it has been a long time since he explained anything, for example, the reason why he wanted to get engaged to her, for example, the relationship between him and Cui Yuanhui, the celebrity whom he made popular.

After reading the report, Dongfang Boyu sneered and returned the magazine to her, "Don't you have anything to ask?"

Yunyan raised her eyes?ask?What should I ask?What position do you ask?

Did you ask about the reason for the engagement?Isn't it just a transaction?This one reason alone trumps all other reasons.

As for Cui Yuanhui...

Oh, she didn't know how to ask.It seems that there is no need to ask.

(End of this chapter)

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