allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 283 Waiting for you here

Chapter 283 Waiting for you here

When he walked out of the Jiangnan family, Yun Yan felt drunk, and Qin Bai was even more drunk.

Yun Yan walked out the door with a smile, "I feel like my steps are light."

"Really?" Qin Bai put his hands on her shoulders, "Then I'll support you."

"You're not that drunk, are you?"

"...Are you afraid of being photographed by reporters in a magazine?" Qin Bai looked at her sideways, with a joking expression on his face.

"..." If you can still think so clearly when you are drunk, it would be too scary.

Yun Yan nodded honestly, "Yes, I..."

She was about to slap his hand away, looked up at him, and wanted to explain, but she didn't expect that he would suddenly lower his head, and unexpectedly, she was kissed right in the middle.

The aroma of the wine was charming, Yun Yan opened her eyes wide, she looked at Qin Bai who bowed her head and kissed her at a loss, she didn't respond, she didn't push away.

"Then what about this?" He said softly, when he wanted to deepen the kiss, Yun Yan had recovered and pushed him away, "Qin Bai, you are drunk."

Qin Bai suppressed the throbbing in his heart, hehe laughed out loud, "Yes, I'm drunk. I'm sorry."

"Take a taxi and go back." Yun Yan looked at him, and when he saw him looking deeply at her, she felt ashamed and hot for some reason.

Could it be that she was embarrassed because of the drunken kiss just now?

To him, she has always been quite cheeky...

"No need." Qin Bai looked at her, but his eyes stopped behind her.

Yun Yan turned her head and looked behind her. There was a man dressed in the middle distance, huh?It seemed familiar, but she couldn't remember where she saw it for a while.

"Go back first." Qin Bai walked a few steps forward and stopped a taxi for her. "Give me the car keys, and I'll have someone drive your car back. Should it be your apartment or your home?"

Yun Yan glanced at the man standing not far away, "The apartment."

"En." Qin Bai directly threw the key to that person, "Give the car to Miss Yun to drive back. I'll wait for you here."

Yun Yan looked at Qin Bai's attitude towards the man, her eyes were suspicious, but she didn't ask why, why did she feel that Qin Bai was different?


After getting out of the taxi, Yun Yan saw her car parked in front of the apartment, and the man walked towards her with the key in his hand, "Miss Yun."

Yun Yan took it, and couldn't guess the identity of this man for a while.

I thought the man would leave after returning the key, but seeing him standing there for a while, Yun Yan looked at him, "Is there anything else?"

"Miss Yun, the master asked me to tell you, please keep a distance from the young master." The man said suddenly.

Yun Yan was stunned for a moment before she realized that the son he was talking about refers to Qin Bai?

Just Qin Bai?Son?This title made Yun Yan a little stunned.Anyone who can be called a son in the circle can be referred to as an official for a lifetime.

This very historical title is not something that can be used casually.

Even if it is Dongfang Boyu, they usually use the title of young master.

Young Master...Qin Bai?Yun Yan blinked, "What are you talking about?"

"Master said, since the young master didn't let you know, then don't ask too much. You are about to be engaged, so you'd better keep a proper distance from the young master."

(End of this chapter)

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