allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 290 Who Comes to Step on the Field?

Chapter 290 Who Comes to Step on the Field?
There are also the second son, the third son and so on... The richer and more powerful, the harder it is to break through the deep-rooted traditions, and the great family needs more children and grandchildren.

So at that time, Yunyan was at a loss. She really didn't understand the complicated family relationship, because she only knew the grandparents, and the great-grandfathers above the grandpa really didn't understand anything. Know.

But the Dongfang family can trace back to the great-great-great-great-grandfather...

To put it perversely, the eighteen generations of ancestors are probably all recorded.

Let’s not talk about those who are too far away. Those who are close to two or three generations, counting from Dongfang Boyu’s grandparents, are of course the closest brothers and sisters of Dongfang Boyu’s parents.

Then in Dongfang Boyu's generation, he and his uncle's brothers and sisters are already cousins, plus their own biological brothers and sisters... Well, the Dongfang family is really a big family.

Yun Yan shook her head, telling herself not to think about those miscellaneous things. After hearing the secretary said it was a woman, she said, "Then let them come in, and make a few cups of coffee to entertain them."

The secretary nodded, and after a while, two girls came in.

How should I put it, arrogant?That's what it should mean.Yun Yan raised her eyes from the office chair, and looked at the two 'Daughters of the Dongfang Family' who came in.

The clothes on her body are not the Dongfang family's taste she is familiar with - the clothes in Dongfang Boyu's home are all tailor-made, without any trademarks, and they can never be bought outside, it is truly customized.

Their family has a special tailoring department, which is a high-end fashion design department.

At this time, the two daughters in front of me are wearing world-renowned luxury brands, and the clothes, Yunyan has seen them in magazines before, they are all the latest models, and these are not yet listed in China.

Of course, the bag in his hand is of the same luxury brand, and the shoes on his feet are also of high value.

The first impression these two gave Yun Yan was that they love luxury brands and are not low-key.As for the sunglasses they hadn't taken off until they entered the door...

Is the visitor unkind?

The two girls seem to be about the same age as her, but their temper looks even more aggressive. This is the gene of the Dongfang family. Yunyan remembers that she also felt this way when she first met Dongfang Boyu.

"You're Yunyan?" One of them spoke first, her curly hair dyed burgundy, the moment she opened her mouth, her words were a little shrill, and her tone was even more provocative.

Yun Yan just thought it was a little funny, according to what Dongfang Boyu said before, if the Dongfang family really talks about the status of the most honored young lady, Dongfang Shihua is the only one.

Who are these two?Could it be the daughter of his uncles?

Or, could one of them be Dongfang Bolin's younger sister?

Looking at the behavior of these two people, I don't feel much alike, and I think so intuitively.

Yun Yan looked at them neither humble nor overbearing, "Who are you two?"

"It's nothing special just like you." Another girl with short straight hair and ears said, she moved her sunglasses to the top of her head, revealing a pair of blue eyes.

In view of the fact that there are many fake pupils nowadays, Yunyan is not sure whether she is wearing pupils or if she has blue pupils.

The curly-haired girl also took off her sunglasses, and her slender hands painted with black nail polish casually held the sunglasses, and tickled the corners of her mouth, which was painted with bright lipstick, "That's right."

(End of this chapter)

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