allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 293 No Time for Romance

Chapter 293 No Time for Romance

"..." Dongfang Boyu on the other end of the phone was silent for several seconds, and squeezed out a few words with difficulty, "You were playing a game just now?"

"Yes. Clear the level." Yun Yan continued to speak casually.

But she didn't know that what she said made Dongfang Boyu gasp for breath several times.

Damn, he can't compare to the importance of a small game?
Fortunately, he is still here guessing the reason why she didn't answer the phone, for example, fell asleep?Did you deliberately not answer the phone in anger?bath?In the end, he even thought of such an unsightly thing as going to the toilet.

But the only thing she can't think of is that the reason why she doesn't answer the phone is... the game is being cleared.

Yun Yan definitely didn't understand the furious mood, because at this moment she seemed very impatient and said, "Is there something wrong? If there is nothing wrong, I will continue to the next level."

"..." Dongfang Boyu was so angry that he hurt internally, took a deep breath, and said sullenly, "This young master can't compare to a small game? Which company developed it, and I took it away."

Yun Yan snorted coldly, "Childish. Master Dongfang, the time difference on my side is twelve o'clock in the morning. Thank you. Can you, a man who just woke up, respect my view of time?"

"Unconscionable woman, I called you after I finished my work. What do you mean just waking up? I haven't closed my eyes for 24 hours." A tired voice came from Dongfang Boyu's voice, "One meeting after another, one decision is made. It can’t be wrong, I’m always working with 12 spirit.”

Haven't closed your eyes for 24 hours?so busy?Yun Yan snorted, "Then go and rest now."

"...Can't you care about me?"

"Why should I care about you?" Yun Yan snorted coldly, thinking of his willful behavior and being followed by someone, "I haven't settled with you yet for the matter of you sending someone to follow me."

"I haven't." Dongfang Boyu yelled innocently, rubbing the space between his tired brows, "Why should I send someone to follow you when I'm fine?"

"Who knew you pervert..." After finishing the sentence, Yun Yan realized that her tone of chatting with him was too casual, but this pervert is really not a good word. She coughed lightly to hide her uneasiness, "You Dongfang Da The young master is rich and powerful, isn't he?"

"First of all, you can't question my noble qualities. Secondly, you are going to marry this young master's woman, who loves the house and loves the black, what kind of marriage..." Dongfang Boyu meant to preach.

However, he had a lot of 'bad' deeds in the past, Yun Yan replied coolly, "Then how do you know the photo of me and Qin Bai..."

She still couldn't say the word kissing brazenly. He really knew it too fast. If it wasn't for following, how could he know it so fast.

In particular, no entertainment gossip broke out.

What's more, she is not a celebrity, nor is she in the entertainment industry. Those entertainment reporters in I city have been 'warned' by her father, and they will not follow her like paparazzi.

That's why she thought that he sent someone to follow him.

"..." Silence, long silence.Dongfang Boyu didn't answer her question.

Yun Yan thinks that he is acting guilty.

"Hey, you obviously..."

"You are the woman whom I, Dongfang Boyu, will be engaged to soon, Yunyan." His tone suddenly became low, through the phone, there was unintentionally depressing.

(End of this chapter)

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