Chapter 297

The two people here were chatting, but they didn't know that twenty or ten minutes had passed.

Yun Yan really didn't expect that Tianyu would really take it seriously, she didn't come down for 10 minutes, but he really came up to find her.

However, the problem is that she is not on the floor of the vice president, but on the floor of the chairman.

Therefore, it is conceivable that Tianyu searched all over at that time.

The most important thing is that he is a person who has been with Dongfang Boyu for many years. He has been trained as a personal bodyguard since he was a child. Thousands of enemies stand out.

Therefore, he himself has some similarities with Dongfang Boyu, for example, he is used to ignoring many people...

The vice president, and the vice president with the surname of the Yun family, are not worth mentioning to him.

If Yunyan hadn't received Yunyu's call and heard Yunyu's voice about to collapse, she wouldn't have believed that Tianyu was making trouble there.

After finishing talking with Yun Zongqiang, Yunyan stood in the elevator and waited, but the elevator didn't come after waiting for a long time, so she could only run down the stairs, there was no way, with a young master like Dongfang Boyu, she was really worried about Tianyu Make trouble.

Besides, on Yunyu's side, it's fine if a cold man runs in suddenly, and it's fine if the secretary can't stop her, but what the fuck is she saying to hand over the young lady, what's the meaning of such a threatening tone?

She said that Yunyan is not here and she is here.

How did she know where Yunyan went?Could it be that if Yunyan is not in her office, or the vice president's office, there is nowhere to go?
In the end, the secretary reminded her to call Yunyan, so she called Yunyan and yelled that Yunyan had just rushed over.


Suddenly, she remembered that this crazy man was Dongfang Boyu's bodyguard... Why is Dongfang Boyu's bodyguard here?

Yunyu was still curious, staring directly at Tianyu who had been wanting to chop her up, and then the stopwatch in her heart was ticking, remembering, one second, two seconds, 30 seconds... 1 minute...

For 5 minutes, Yunyu's office was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop, and Yunyan, who just arrived on the phone, is there?Where are people?
Seeing Tianyu's murderous eyes, Yunyu cursed Yunyan countless words in his heart, and then picked up his mobile phone to call Yunyan, but the phone rang for a long time and no one answered.

She couldn't help cursing, and called the secretary to come in, "Go and see if Manager Yun has returned to the office, and tell her to ask her to take this god away."

The secretary quickly called to ask, and then came back without a reply, "Manager Yun has not returned to the office."

"Are you kidding me? Just now..."

"Could it be in the elevator? The elevator broke down just now." The secretary said uncertainly, and then saw Tianyu's face turned pale and rushed out of Yunyu's office.

Yunyu glanced at the secretary, "The elevator broke down? When did it happen?"

Secretary: "About 10 minutes ago, the elevator is still not working."

Yunyu: "All the elevators?"

Secretary: "No, just elevator No. [-]."

Yun Yu didn't ask her any more, but walked out of the office and walked towards the elevator.

The floor where the elevator stops is the third floor above her.Yun Yu waited for another elevator to come up, and then she took the elevator and walked in.

Tianyu didn't know where to get it.

(End of this chapter)

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