Chapter 302 Why?

She seemed to be tied to a stool, but her feet couldn't touch the ground, couldn't be seen, and seemed to be suspended in the air, which made her even more uneasy.

"Who are you, why did you kidnap me?" Yunyan asked tremblingly, please forgive her timidity, because several kidnapping news that appeared before all said that they were torn apart in the end.

Nowadays kidnappers seem to be used to killing people, and they have no moral integrity at all.

From the moment she was tied up, her life was out of her hands.

At this moment, a van was parked 30 meters away from her. Two men were smoking cigarettes and discussing what to do, "Brother, I didn't expect it to be so easy to hijack someone. I can't imagine that this is our first time." One deal."

"Good luck. Now I have to think about how to blackmail. I heard that she is going to marry into a wealthy family, so she must have a lot of money. How about we ask for one billion?"

"One billion... is it too much? How can a woman be worth so much money? You think she is the heir to a rich man." One of them took a deep breath and then pinched it out, "I think one billion is enough. And we Only cash, and banknotes with serial numbers.”

"Is there anyone in this world who thinks there is too much money?" Another patted his companion, "You think the opportunity is so easy? It's rare to win a vote, so you must speak up."

"But, if we make a phone call, won't we expose our whereabouts?"

"Wait a minute, go talk to that woman."

Yunyan guessed N kinds of identities of the kidnapper in her mind, such as the retired Niucha Interpol, or a mercenary still existing in an imperial country.

Or a well-known underworld organization overseas?

She has no choice but to think about the identity of the kidnapper in these 'high-end atmosphere', because as the daughter of the Yun family, she has never used a bodyguard for so many years, and she has never been kidnapped.

In China, not everyone who goes on the wrong path has the guts. More importantly, you can't treat other police officers as vegetarians.

Is there a camera?Which main road in the whole city has no cameras?

Can a living person be taken away so easily?It is impossible for a large organization without some means to do well, right?
So, she was wrong from the beginning.

She really didn't think about it, this is really a very pure kidnapping case of two Xiao Luo who are short of money and risk their lives.

And I was super lucky to succeed...

This episode could even be named by another name, 'On the Success of Kidnapping a Woman and the Desirability of Getting a Ransom. '

When she was masturbating, one of the kidnappers approached her.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Yunyan forced herself to stop the chaotic thoughts in her mind, and asked calmly, "Who are you? Why did you tie me up?"

"Shut up." The kidnapper said imposingly, "If you talk nonsense, you will be drowned in the river."

Well, Yun Yan was really scared, she shut up obediently.

The man stepped forward, "Let me ask you now, how much cash do you have?"

"Cash? Not a penny." She was telling the truth. She took the documents from the office and went to the vice president's office. Her own bag was still in the office.

She didn't bring anything except her mobile phone.

"Are you bluffing me? You are the daughter of a rich man, and you are going to marry into a wealthy family." The kidnapper's tone was very bad.

(End of this chapter)

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