allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 305 The Covered Scene

Chapter 305 The Covered Scene

Qin Baiyun said calmly.

Holding her shoulders, "Get in the car first."

"I seem to have heard the sound of helicopters and the sound of bullets shooting down..."

Qin Bai maintained a calm expression, "You have watched too many movies. I know you are frightened, don't worry, it's over."

"I really..." Yun Yan frowned, she really heard the gunshots, and the formation, it is estimated that the kidnappers were swept into a sieve.

However, there was no trace at the scene.

Impossible, illusion?impossible! !
She looked around, and at a certain place, she saw a little bit of blood, very small, but Yun Yan thought of something.

Did you arrange the scene before you unlocked her eyes?Afraid to scare her?
For some reason, she looked at Tianyu.

Tianyu said solemnly, "Young Madam, I'm very sorry, this matter has caused your fear and the young master's worry. This subordinate is willing to accept all punishments."

Yun Yan looked at Tianyu, then at Qin Bai, trying to find some clues on the faces of the two of them, but apparently neither of them planned to tell her what was really going on.

Also, the helicopter...was it sent by Dongfang Boyu?

But isn't that illegal?Won't you be caught?Shooting from a helicopter is the act of a terrorist, right?
She didn't think for a moment that standing in stark opposition to the terrorists was a glorious army.

Seeing that she couldn't find anything out of the question, Yun Yan obediently got into the car, and the kidnapping passed without any risk.

Moreover, from the beginning to the end, in fact, only two hours have passed...

Tianyu watched them leave, and then he glanced at the grass that had just been processed, the blood that had been buried clean, and then got into the car.

There are too many people who want to die, and they can only do what they want.

It's just that, while he was driving the car, he couldn't help thinking about it. He didn't expect Mr. Qin's father to be so domineering. .

And this matter, no one else will know except God knows and they know.

This is a top secret event.

Well, it's really top secret!
As soon as Yun Yan got into the car, her mind began to turn in a slippery manner. She wondered, how did Qin Bai know that she was kidnapped?
Moreover, why he arrived first, even faster than Tianyu.

"Qin Bai, how did you know that something happened to me?" Thinking about it, she asked directly, seeing Qin Bai who was driving seriously, Yun Yan frowned, "Shouldn't you be busy in the company at this time?"

Qin Bai hummed, but did not intend to continue explaining after humming. .

Yun Yan looked at him puzzled, "Hmm, what do you mean?"

"Are you going back to the company or going home?"

Yun Yan thought of the two tailors who were still waiting in her office, "Go back to the company."

Qin Bai snorted, held the steering wheel with his hands, and stared at the front seriously.

"You haven't said why you knew what happened to me." Yun Yan brought up the old story again, and after waiting for him for so long, he didn't see him explaining.

"I just went to your company to look for you, and I heard that something happened to you..." Lying like this is considered acceptable, and without giving Yunyan more opportunities to expose the lie, Qin Bai continued to order, "Be careful in the future. Also, let Dongfang Boyu sent some people to protect you. Isn’t there many bodyguards when he goes out by himself?”

Why does this sound a little ironic?Yunyan couldn't help explaining for Dongfang Boyu.

(End of this chapter)

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