allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 311 You Really Know Yourself

Chapter 311 You Really Know Yourself
 Yunyan was working in the study, and Dongfang Boyu was still asleep at this time, he didn't want to sleep in the room where Ximen slept before, but insisted on sleeping in her bed, if it wasn't for his exhaustion, she wouldn't want to compromise.

After stretching, she checked the time. It was already six o'clock, and he had slept for a few hours. Did he get enough sleep?
It is said that every busy successful person is a sleepless person.

Don't talk about others, just talk about her father, the time to get up is never more than six o'clock a day.No matter how late you slept last night.

A person's success is by no means accidental, and Yunyan feels that sleeping is quite a challenge for her.

After the company is handed over to Yun Qi, she can go back to her late sleep.

While thinking this way, she went into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of milk, then gently opened the door of the room, thinking that he would fall asleep, but unexpectedly, he was half lying on the bed, flipping through his hands photo album.

"What are you looking at?" Yun Yan stepped forward and wanted to snatch the photo album, but Dongfang Bo Yu easily took the photo album away.

"I didn't expect you to develop photos." It's just that the characters on it made him quite uncomfortable.

There is actually a photo of Pei Zishuo in it, and it was still at her tender age...

"Little Yanyan, are you dating early?" Dongfang Boyu frowned. Didn't it mean that China's education is very strict, if you are below high school, if you are found to be in love, you will be summoned to your parents?

Yun Yan snatched the photo album and gave him a white look, "Isn't it too strange for someone who grew up in the United States to ask this?"

puppy love?So how many countries in Europe and the United States start doing things at the age of 16, what should I say?
Seeing her snatching the album back in such a hurry, Dongfang Boyu snorted disdainfully, stood up, grabbed the milk from her hand, took a few sips, "What time is it?"

"It's six o'clock." She originally wanted to ask him if it was time to leave, but before he could say this, he had already said, "Then let's eat. What do you want to eat, Chinese or Western food? Or something else?"

She didn't say whether it's okay to have dinner with him?

"How about we go back to your house for dinner, I haven't seen your parents for a long time."

"Let's eat Japanese food." Yun Yan decisively chose what she wanted to eat, and went back to her home to meet her parents, and then have dinner together?Then she still chose to eat with him.

"Okay." After speaking, he took out his mobile phone and gave Tianyu instructions, "Have Japanese food for dinner, let's arrange a restaurant."

Yunyan held the photo album in her hand, after thinking about it, she put the photo album back into the drawer. In fact, she hadn't flipped through the photo album for a long time.

"Wait a minute." Dongfang Boyu found a pair of scissors from nowhere, then took out the photo album, and found the group photos with Pei Zishuo, he cut off the part that belonged to him very decisively.

Then, without any politeness, he was thrown into the trash can.

Yunyan looked at him speechlessly, "Dongfang Boyu..." What does he mean? ! !
"I don't like to see him. Even if I didn't have time to participate in the past. He is an eyesore." He said honestly, then embraced her, kissed her forehead, "Go and open the door, Tianyu should have prepared a change of clothes for me clothing."

Yunyan looked at him speechlessly, his self-familiar ability was always far behind her.

What surprised her was that the kind of person who is the master is the same as the subordinate.

(End of this chapter)

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