allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 316 Messy Hair

Chapter 316 Messy Hair
I don't know if she is slightly dizzy now, is it a problem?

Yunyan actually felt a little uncomfortable since she woke up in the morning. Based on her own understanding of her body, she felt that she was about to catch a cold.

But for an adult, a cold is nothing worth noting, not to mention that it is only the early stage of a cold, except for a little discomfort, there is no other major feeling.

Therefore, she has never shown any discomfort. As for the medicine, she has not taken it either.

Putting her hand on her forehead, she forced a smile, "No, but fly to Shenyang from City I, okay?"

Domestic helicopter flight rights are still strictly controlled.As far as she knew it was.

"Why not?" Dongfang Boyu asked back.

Well, he can let someone send a helicopter over, so basically there should be a route for where and how to fly.

But she really didn't expect to fly directly to Shenyang.

Holding her wrist, Dongfang Boyu said, "It's about time, let's get on the plane."


As soon as the door of the roof was opened, Yunyan immediately felt that she was almost unable to stand due to the strong wind, and her hair was messy. She was held by Dongfang Boyu with one hand while protecting her skirt. Fortunately, she was wearing a long skirt. Blown away.

Dongfang Boyu is used to taking helicopters. It is an exaggeration to say that he uses helicopters more frequently than car seats on the ground.

Yunyan let out a deep breath after getting on the helicopter, the wind made her even more uncomfortable, please don't get a fever.She shouldn't be so weak...

Because of the discomfort, she didn't even have the mood to look at the scenery, and from the moment she got on the plane, she closed her eyes and half-lyed with a lack of interest.

Dongfang Boyu thought she was sleepy, and thoughtfully asked Tianyu to bring a blanket to cover her body.

Yun Yan opened her eyes and looked at him.

"Sleepy? If you're sleepy, go to bed. I'll call you when you arrive." He still has a video conference to start, so he's still busy at this time.

Yun Yan hummed, and glanced at the computer beside him, "Go ahead."

You really are a busy person, but you are so busy, why do you come here in such a hurry.

If it wasn't for her accident, he should have finished his work first, right?The time he spent on the plane took up his working time, so he had to make up for it.

His voice sounded beside her ear, calm, with a slight tone, unquestionable... She heard it in her ear and found it very pleasant, like a lullaby.

She wasn't tired at first, but she did start to feel sleepy after listening to it.

Before falling asleep, she thought he said words such as energy, because it was English, he spoke very quickly, and she was asleep, so she couldn't hear it very clearly.

He kept holding her hand with his left hand, feeling that the person in his hand fell asleep, Dongfang Boyu lowered his voice.

Glancing at Yunyan beside him, he continued to devote himself to his work.

"Yan, wake up." Yun Yan was pushed awake, opened her hazy eyes, "Is it here yet?"

Dongfang Boyu shook his head, but his expression was serious, "You have a fever."

When Yun Yan heard the word "fever", she was taken aback for a moment, then raised her hand, touched her hot forehead, and twitched the corners of her mouth, "It's true, it's just a low-grade fever, it's fine."

 "It's okay, take some medicine first." Fortunately, the plane is equipped with basic medicines. Dongfang Boyu took the prepared antipyretic granules from Tianyu, held the cup himself, and handed it to her mouth Bian, "Sweet."

(End of this chapter)

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