allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 327 You Are The Most Dangerous Person

Chapter 327 You Are The Most Dangerous Person
She still remembers the auction between Dongfang Boyu and Dongfang Minghao at the charity auction, and at that time, she could already smell the faint smell of gunpowder, okay?
 Also, who is Dongfang Minghao?
A branch of the Dongfang family?
She was thinking about the possibilities in her mind, and she had already seen the two of them walking in from the door, Dongfang Minghao followed behind Dongfang Boyu, but only a step or two behind.

He first politely called out to all the clansmen one by one, and then stopped on Yunyan's body. He smiled slightly and looked at her harmlessly, "Meet you again."

This sentence met again, but it really makes people think about it.

In particular, Yunyan couldn't help but be surprised by the way she seemed to know him very well and hadn't contacted him for a long time. She and him don't even seem to be friends, do they?

The two just met in a public place, pure strangers, okay?

It's just that he was good-looking, so she remembered him.

Well, there was also that strange gentleman's move where he asked his people to say that he would send her back.But that's all.

She even knew his name from someone else's mouth...

In the living room, the people sitting here are all important members of the Dongfang family. Yun Yan quickly realized, and smiled generously, "I didn't expect you to be a relative of Bo Yu."

Dongfang Boyu sat back on the golden nanmu chair next to Yunyan, raised his foot, and said with a smile, "Isn't it? The world is so small. Ming Hao is away from one place all year round, let alone flying to China. I can meet you in the small city of I."

As he said that, he looked at Yun Yan seriously and said, "I appeared in City I, but I was all running for you."

As soon as these words came out, there was a lot of laughter in the living room, and everyone laughed and scolded him for chasing his wife thousands of miles away and playing romance.

The corner of Dongfang Minghao's mouth raised slightly, but he didn't mix in such a 'cold joke'.

He just showed a tired look, looked sorry for the elders, and said a few words, then withdrew from such a family gathering and went back to his room first.

He seemed so harmless, so gentle that he was easy to bully.

Yun Yan resisted turning her head to look at Dongfang Minghao. Her hand was being held tightly by Dongfang Boyu at this moment.

She looked at him puzzled, not understanding why he acted like this.He wouldn't think she had something to do with Dongfang Minghao, would he?Sweat, she doesn't have so many peach blossom debts...

After all the gatherings broke up, Yunyan was dragged upstairs by Dongfang Boyu, closed the door, looked at her seriously, and stared into her eyes.

Yun Yan felt hairy when he saw it, "Why, what's the matter?"

Dongfang Boyu's expression was too serious, and the way he looked at her was terrifying, which made her very strange.

"Bo Yu, what's wrong?"

Dongfang Boyu let go of her, "Don't make contact with Dongfang Minghao."

There was no trace of joke in his words, and he couldn't be more serious.

But Yun Yan thought it was a bit ridiculous, "I have never had contact with him, I don't even know him." Suddenly, she thought of something, frowned and looked at him, "Dongfang Boyu, what do you mean?" He really wanted to be wrong, thinking that she had something to do with Dongfang Minghao?
"He's dangerous," he said.

"..." Yun Yan felt in her heart that no man in this world was more dangerous than him.

(End of this chapter)

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