allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 330 The ancestor worship begins

Chapter 330 The ancestor worship begins

 And Dongfang Minghao was behind her. She didn't know if it was an illusion. She seemed to feel that someone was looking at her from behind, but she didn't look back.

Dongfang Boying next to him didn't know how many times he had worshiped the ancestors, but the expression on his face was very calm and calm, and Yun Yan felt that she was a little petite.

The things needed for ancestor worship were carried in front by the servants and bodyguards. Yunyan saw that both sides of the road were freshly cut grass and roots, and it seemed that they had deliberately opened the way for this ancestor worship.

So, there isn't even a road leading to their ancestral graves?
so mysterious?Why?
After walking for more than an hour, before Yunyan could see where their ancestral graves would be, the ancestor worship team had already stopped.

Are you there yet?She really wanted to ask, but she didn't ask. She just glanced at Dongfang Boying, and then at Dongfang Boyu in front of her.

From the time he set off until now, Dongfang Boyu has never turned his head to look at her, let alone said a word to her.

Everyone kept their mouths shut along the way, as if they were very comfortable with this kind of ancestor worship ceremony, the only one who was not used to it was Yun Yan, she had never tried such a large group of people walking all the way, but she didn't say a word .

When the people in front moved away a little, Yunyan realized that she had already arrived in a mountain, and there was a big rock in the mountain.

Before she could react, the rock moved away, and the rumbling sound was deafening in this quiet mountain forest.

She was startled, why did she have the illusion of entering an ancient tomb?
But in fact, this is not her illusion, the ancestral tomb of the Dongfang family is indeed an ancient tomb.

A living tomb.

It is said to be a living ancient tomb because when the descendants come to worship, the ancient tomb can be opened, but it can only be opened to the position of the gate.

More in-depth, in fact, these descendants don't know much about it.

Seeing that everyone started to walk slowly towards Shimao, Yunyan felt a little scared.

The ancient tomb built in the mountains and forests, this kind of large type, is also a super prestigious family...

A torch had already been lit in the ancient tomb, and the light illuminated the entire cave. Yunyan did not expect that the cave would be so big. The width should be at least three meters, and the height should be more than four meters.

Although there were a lot of people coming in at this time, Yunyan was still a little scared, she couldn't help stretching out her hand and tugging at Dongfang Boyu in front of her.

Dongfang Boyu glanced back at her, seeing her frightened eyes, he whispered comfortingly, "Don't be afraid."

"Hmm..." That's what I said, but it's still quite scary, okay?

She has read the descriptions of some ancient tomb novels, as well as those horrible designs, and the unclean things that will exist in the ancient tomb.

The more Yun Yan thought about it, the colder her feet became. Why is his family's ancestral grave like this?

After walking for more than ten meters, there are stairs at the foot, and it goes all the way down...

If someone hadn't opened the way ahead and lit the lights, Yunyan swore that if she was alone, she would not dare to enter this place.

It's so frightening, those tomb robbery novels are all lies, right?How can you have the guts to steal things in this kind of place that makes people feel stuffy once they enter, woo woo.

She didn't know how long she had been walking, if it wasn't for Dongfang Boyu's hand being pulled by her all the time, she felt that she would give up and want to run away.

(End of this chapter)

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