allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 336 You Jump Down

Chapter 336 You Jump Down
 She turned her head to look at Dongfang Boyu, almost crying in her voice.

She really doesn't want to have this kind of experience of visiting ancient tombs at all, and she doesn't want to have this kind of feeling that one moment is hope, but the next second makes you despair.

"Let me see." Dongfang Boyu dragged his feet and walked over slowly. The pain on his feet was far less severe than the wound on his waist.

Taking Yunyan's mobile phone, he looked at the entrance of the cave, "Fortunately, it's not very high. There's water here, wait a minute, you swim out along the one on the left..."

Yun Yan heard his words and looked at him, "Me?"

"This is the pool I told you about. I dived in a small pool before. He looked at her, "Yunyan, you can swim, right? You have to hold your breath for more than two minutes and keep moving forward." Swimming is the bottom of a small pool. If you float up along that height, you can reach the ground. "

Yun Yan shook her head, "I dare not."

"Okay, then let's go down first, I'll jump down first, after a while, you jump down, I'll catch you." Dongfang Boyu said decisively, already found the direction of the exit, it is absolutely impossible to give up because of injury .

"But you are injured." Yun Yan grabbed his hand, "Is there really no problem?"

"Of course there's no problem. This height won't trouble me." He said, and handed her the phone, "Hold the phone to illuminate, I'll go down first."

It is said to be the ground, but it is covered by a layer of water. There is no sunshine here for many years, and it is not known whether the underwater ground will be slippery.

However, they have no choice.

Yun Yan didn't drag him by the tail at this time, and nodded, "Then be careful, you still have injuries on your body."

Dongfang Boyu nodded and kissed her forehead, "It's fine."

She knew that he had been encouraging her all the time, and also knew that he was telling her not to be disappointed, so she nodded heavily, "Well, we'll be going out soon."


It's not really all right, if it were normal, this height would not be difficult for Dongfang Boyu, but now he is injured.

And when he climbed down, the wall was slippery, and his chest, waist, thighs, and all the front parts were all wet at once.

The moment he let go, when he jumped down, the ground was slippery even if there was water, and he couldn't hold on, and the whole person slipped and fell to the ground.

"Dongfang Boyu." Yun Yan had been turning on her mobile phone to illuminate him, and her heart almost jumped out when she saw him fall.

The pain, the piercing cold water seeped into the wound, Dongfang Boyu frowned in pain, the sprain on his foot intensified again, but he still got up quickly, looked at Yunyan who was still at the entrance of the cave with a smile, "the ground is a bit Slippery, it's okay."

Yun Yan felt that tears would flow out of her eyes uncontrollably.

She had never seen him so embarrassed.

At this time, he still pretended to be okay and smiled like this.

"Don't cry, huh? Come on, hold your phone, it's our only lighting tool." He opened his hands, "You jump down, I'll catch you."

But it's really high.

Yun Yan was a little scared, no, very scared.

Most importantly, he himself was injured, how dare she jump on him?

But if she doesn't jump, how can she get down this hole?
Seeing her hesitate, Dongfang Boyu continued to encourage her, "You are so light, it is very easy for me to catch you, really."

(End of this chapter)

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