allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 340 How Do You Feel Now?

Chapter 340 How Do You Feel Now?
"Where is Bo Yu, how is Bo Yu?" Yun Yan reacted, and wanted to sit up, but found that her whole body was covered with soft cotton.

"Bo's fine, just lie down and don't move around, you've been in a coma for two days." Dongfang Shihua looked at her worriedly, "How do you feel now?"

"Two days?" Has it been two days?Has it been two days since that horrible experience?

She looked at Dongfang Shihua and moved her hand, "It's so soft that I can't use it."

"You have a fever, which faded away in the morning. Thank you, Yunyan." Dongfang Shihua let go of her hand, stood up, and bowed solemnly to Yunyan, "On behalf of the entire Dongfang family, thank you, Yunyan."

Thank you for climbing out so bravely, thank you for exhausting the last bit of strength to pass out, thank you for telling Boying the information.

If time dragged past that night, no one would be able to revive Dongfang Boyu, even now, he is still in a coma.

Yun Yan did not dare to accept such a big gift, "What are you talking about, Shihua? It was Bo Yu who saved me, not me." If she was the only one who fell, she would probably just be helpless waiting to die there. .

How could he find a way to survive so calmly.

Just as he was speaking, the door of the ward opened, and Ximen, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, walked in wearing a black dress. He was much darker and thinner than before.

"Ximen." Yun Yan looked at the person at the door in surprise.

Looking at the surrounding environment again, I realized that this place is no longer Biezhuang, "Is this a hospital?"

"Well, I'm in Shenyang's hospital now." Dongfang Shihua stood up, "I'll buy you some porridge." After saying that, she walked out of the ward without even looking at Ximen.

It seemed that she and him had become strangers.

That Dongfang Shihua who was chasing after Ximen is no longer the current her.

Yun Yan noticed the strange atmosphere between the two, and she didn't ask until Ximen sat down, "What's the matter with you and Shihua?"

Simon shook his head, but didn't answer.He sat where Dongfang Shihua sat just now, "How do you feel now?"

"Weakness." She replied the same.

He looked at her, her forehead was still wrapped in gauze, she looked fragile and pale now because of the persistent high fever.

Her bravery was beyond everyone's expectations. No one could have imagined that an urban girl like her, who had been pampered since she was a child, could cross such a long dark river.

Darkness, no light, no hope ahead.

Overcoming her fear, she succeeded.

"How is Dongfang Boyu?" Yunyan herself is not so ideal, she thinks that Dongfang Shihua should have lied to him just now.

What is the real situation of Dongfang Boyu?
"Still in a coma." Ximen didn't lie to her. "When I was rescued, I heard that there was only one breath left. After soaking in the water for too long, the wound was seriously infected."

Hearing this, Yun Yan's face was ashen, "Now, how is it now?"

"The Dongfang family has called the best doctors here, and the Dongfang family has doctors themselves, and they are out of danger." Seeing her nervous expression, Ximen raised his eyes slightly in surprise, but he didn't point out her behavior.

"I'll go and have a look." Yun Yan struggled to get up, she woke up now, but she didn't feel at ease to see him.

(End of this chapter)

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