allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 349 Lovely Qin Bai

Chapter 349 Lovely Qin Bai

 In the evening, Qin Bai was invited by another family from Jiangnan. When Yunyan was parking the car, she saw the familiar car in the parking space. She turned the steering wheel skillfully and parked the car in a position adjacent to him.

This time, she booked a private room first, and was led by the waiter to the private room on the second floor. When she was at the door, she asked the waiter to leave first, and she pushed open the falsely closed door to enter.

As soon as he opened the door, Qin Bai hung up the phone impatiently, "I know, that's it, hang up."

Yun Yan gently pulled the seat away, looked at him, and blinked, "Why are you so angry?"

In her impression, he is a person who seldom gets angry, and is always so easy to talk to.

Qin Bai rubbed his brows, took off his suit jacket, rolled up his light-colored striped shirt, and pulled his tie at the neckline, "I'm mad."

Hearing this, Yun Yan raised her voice in surprise, "Which person is attracted to you?"

He glanced at her, "Why did you cut your hair?" He remembered that she told him that in order to appear more mature, she kept her bangs all the time, so that people would look more mature.

Yun Yan brushed the hair on her forehead, revealing the wound that was almost healed, "No, look."

"Injured?" He frowned, "Sure enough, it's not safe for you to follow him."

Listen to this, the prejudice is obviously deep, right?

Yun Yan combed her hair with her hands, and gave him a white look, "I did it by accident, the doctor said it would leave scars, and I'm waiting to go to Korea when I'm on annual leave."

She even touched her nose, "Why don't the bridges of the nose be straightened?" She was joking, but Qin Bai didn't expect Qin Bai to glare at her, "What if the false nose is fixed and it breaks when you touch it?"

She took the menu and patted him, "How can you be so fragile, order quickly, I'm almost starving."

Without looking at the menu, he casually mentioned the names of a few dishes, and then looked at her, "How is it?"

"Very good, it's all my favorite food." Yun Yan smiled and nodded, then rang the bell for the waiter to come in and order.

He looked at her wound and hesitated, "Would you like some wine?"

When it came to wine, she thought of how drunk he was last time, and shook her head resolutely, "If you don't drink today, let's do it another day."

Qin Bai: "Okay, then what do you want to drink? Beverage, green tea or black tea?"

Yun Yan thought for a while, "Let's go to Dahongpao. I like to drink that recently."

Yun Yan suddenly remembered that she was warned by that man last time that she really didn't know anything about Qin Bai's other identity, "Qin Bai, tell the truth, do you have a super powerful identity?"

Hearing her words, Qin Bai twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly, stretched out his hand to flick her forehead, realized that her forehead was injured, and withdrew his hand again, "You think too much."


"Hui Teng has an accident, do you know?" Qin Bai didn't let her continue to gossip, and changed the topic. Of course, this topic was very successful.

Yunyan was speechless, it was like this every time, could he really not tell her?

"What do you know?" Is that what Yunyu said?
"Something happened inside Phaeton. Phaeton's boss is currently in a coma. The doctor's diagnosis may have been like this forever." Qin Bai looked at Yunyan, and suddenly felt that she was a little pitiful. The list was finally negotiated, and the project was completed after several twists and turns. Yes, work started, and now this happens again.

(End of this chapter)

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