allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 352 Missing Me

Chapter 352 Missing Me

Cui Yuanhui is still thinking about it in her mind, it seems that she hasn't received a call from Dongfang Boyu for a long time?
Yun Yan was also very surprised to meet Cui Yuanhui here, it was really a coincidence.

She took a special look at Cui Yuanhui's eyes, they looked alike at first glance before, but now, probably because of Cui Yuan's eyeliner, the corners of her eyes are hooked up, she doesn't look so similar anymore.

"Hello, Miss Yun." Cui Yuanhui did not have the arrogance of an actress, but greeted Yun Yan in a very low-key and polite way.

The assistant beside her was slightly taken aback when she saw Yunyan, but quickly realized that she stood aside and tried to be as transparent as possible.

Yun Yan nodded.

She is not familiar with Cui Yuanhui, but this woman is a woman who goes in and out of Dongfang Boyu's side.

She was the first woman who heard of Dongfang Boyu since she knew Dongfang Boyu.

Of course she wouldn't naively think that a normal man, aged 27, would spend his whole life waiting for her to appear?

She wouldn't think about such unrealistic things, but now that she and Dongfang Boyu were going to get engaged, and after what happened in the ancient tomb, she felt that she couldn't accept that Dongfang Boyu had other women.

I didn't feel this way at all before, but now I see Cui Yuanhui and think of her relationship with Dongfang Boyu. Also, the photos that were exposed for dining together are still in the United States! ! !
Why do you feel that your heart is blocked? The appetite that was not full just now is also stuffed so that drinking water is too much, right?
But this actress, she liked it before, and wanted her to endorse some product under Yun's...

The two looked at each other, but they were relatively speechless. Cui Yuanhui smiled slightly, "Miss Yun, goodbye."

Yun Yan nodded, "Goodbye."

About Dongfang Boyu, about him, neither of them mentioned it.

After Yunyan left the Jiangnan family, she let out a sigh of relief, really upset.

Do you want to tell Dongfang Boyu that you should remember to wipe your mouth for "stealing" in the future, and just do it, but don't let her know?

But wouldn't it be weird to say it this way?
She also saw her looking at the photo of him and Cui Yuanhui before, and he asked her if she had anything to ask, and she asked, do you have anything to say?
He said no...

Is there nothing wrong, or does she not need to know?

Until getting into the car, Yunyan still felt very uncomfortable. Does Dongfang Boyu like Cui Yuanhui?

Is it because Cui Yuanhui's eyes look like hers, or does she look like Cui Yuanhui?
The more she thought about it, the more painful her head felt. She took out her mobile phone, looked at the photo he sent her, and stared at him on it, feeling restless for a while.

But she didn't know why she accidentally pressed the call button, and Dongfang Boyu's voice suddenly sounded, and she was startled.

"Little Yanyan~~~" A slightly cute voice sounded, and there was no image of him as the young master, the president, or the future head of the family.

Yun Yan curled her lips, "I just accidentally pressed it." She really accidentally pressed the call button, and she really didn't want to call him.

Dongfang Boyu was very kind, and kept nodding his head, "Yeah, the phone got through by itself."

"...Hey!!!" What she said was true, but why did he react like she was trying to hide it?
 Dongfang Boyu's chuckle came from the other end of the phone, "Miss me?"

(End of this chapter)

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