allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 361 I hope you are honest

Chapter 361 I hope you are honest
"Huh? That's it. Excuse me, have you set a date for your wedding?" Yunyu walked to the desk, reached out and touched the clean edge, "It's spotlessly clean, and your secretary really knows how to assess the situation."

She stood at the window position. From this position, she could see the commercial center street of I city, and the viewing angle of this office was also the best.

Thinking of something, she sneered sarcastically, and turned to look at Yun Yan, "The winner is the one who laughs last, Xiao Yan."

In this way, is it the rhythm of self-death again?

Yun Yan frowned and looked at her, "Actually, I don't want to argue with you. You can be the vice president or the general manager, as long as your heart is for Yun's good..."

"Because you know you can't win against me." Yun Yu interrupted her, disgusted by Yun Yan's kind words.Just like Yun Zongqiang, their Yun family is like this, thank you.

But no one thought that it was her Yunyu family who was responsible for all of this, and she was the one who gave favor! ! !
For extreme people, it is actually useless to say anything.Yun Yan didn't bother to say anything more, she just didn't understand, could a person's jealousy be twisted to such an extent?

Or what happened to Yunyu abroad?
Yunyan couldn't guess, and of course she couldn't even ask. If Yunyu showed jealousy and disliked her before, now she gradually showed hatred.

The secretary moved all of Yunyan's other things up, and it seems that starting today she can indeed work in the new office.

Yun Yan raised her hand to look at her watch, and seeing Yun Yu standing aside looking at the scenery, she wondered how long she wanted to stay.

But some people may not go away if you chase her away, and not necessarily if you let her go.

Yunyan sat back in her office chair, bowed her head and tapped on the keyboard on the computer, as for Yunyu...she is so free, so let her stand like this.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Yunyu sneered, and then turned around gracefully, "Yunyan, are you really just guarding Yun's for Yunqi? Don't you want to own such a company with such a noble excuse?"

Yun Yan frowned at her, what did she mean by that?
To be honest, since she had no choice but to take over Yun's until now, she is really tired of the intrigues in the mall. Not all women like to be elites in the workplace, okay?
As far as she is concerned, if one day she no longer needs her help in family affairs, then she can do what she wants to do, go to live in the world, learn art, whether it is painting or music, she even Can go to Antarctica and North Pole...

She wants to see the Northern Lights, she wants to see the Aegean Sea, she has many, many things she wants to do.

Instead of sitting in this boring office, every day is full of business affairs, documents, plans, meetings, and always eat and sleep except for work.

I have to talk business with men, and sometimes I have to sacrifice some color.

It's just that I don't want to appear like before, when my father fell, the whole family was in chaos.I don't want to do that anymore. As the eldest daughter, she has the obligation to bear it before her younger brother can carry the family.

Even if you are very tired.

Even if it is really wronged and wronged sometimes.

Many of the girlfriends who used to get along and play with are still studying all over the world, living a carefree life as a rich lady.

"I hope you are an honest child." After Yunyu finished speaking, she turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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