allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 365 It's just an accident

Chapter 365 It's just an accident

After hanging up the phone, Yunyan wept silently, clutching the phone tightly in her hand.

The police station has already given an unexpected statement.

It was just a few drug-addicted young people making trouble on the street out of impulse, and Yun Qi was just a passer-by who was hit unluckily.

This was purely an accident.

But it was an accident that nearly killed the Yun family.

Dongfang Boyu looked at her with tears all over his face, pulled her up, and hugged her tightly, "Smoke."

Yun Yan threw herself into his arms, tears streaming down her cheeks, and her heart ached, "Yun Qi is still so young, I'm still waiting for him to graduate."

They are still waiting for him to graduate and hand over the Yun family to him. The two siblings have already said that in the future, he will protect the family business. If they agree, everyone will be happy.

But now, all his words are gone, and he just left like this.

Even she couldn't see him for the last time, and couldn't hear him call her sister.

The more I thought about it, the sadder my heart became. Yunyan's tears wet the shirt in front of Dongfang Boyu, and he patted her on the back, silently comforting her.

"I want to take Yunqi back." Yunyan cried for a long time before saying in a crying voice, "Let my parents see him for the last time."

"Well, I'll arrange the plane." Dongfang Boyu responded softly, as if he was afraid that making a loud noise would make her even more sad.

"Thank you." Yun Yan wiped away her tears, "I'm sorry, I was so sad that I didn't thank your aunts and uncles."

Although Yun Qi was not rescued in the end, Dongfang Boyu's aunt and uncle helped them a lot before they came.

Especially his uncle, Qu Ruichen, rushed to the hospital with top doctors in a very short period of time.

It's just that the bullet was too deadly to recover from.

"It doesn't matter, they won't mind." Dongfang Boyu kissed her forehead, "You have to mourn, I feel very distressed seeing you like this."

Yun Yan nodded, even though her heart ached so much that it was difficult to breathe, she still had to hold on.

Because she knew that if she couldn't make it through, then her parents couldn't make it through even more.


In City I, the mourning hall has been set up, and wreaths have been placed in front of the mourning hall.

Yunyan went to the mourning hall with the coffin that fell together, and when she got off the car, she was almost there with her parents, but they hadn't seen each other for a day or two, but they seemed to be ten years older.

There is nothing more depressing than a white-haired man giving a black-haired man.

Mrs. Yun saw the black coffin being lifted from the car, and cried loudly, "Yun Qi, my son, why did you leave my son? How can you let your mother send black hair to someone with white hair?" man."

Seeing this, Yunyan shed tears desperately, turned around and leaned against Dongfang Boyu's arms, holding back the sound of crying.

As a man, Yun Zongqiang could still bear it very hard, but his trembling body also knew that he was just holding on.

Yun Yu, who was all in a black dress and with white strips tied around her arms, stood there, watching their family weeping sadly.

She seems to have returned to ten years ago.

 At that time, everyone in the Yun family cried very sadly, but she couldn't shed tears at that time, and there was no way for a single tear to fall.She was just in pain, so painful that she wanted to pass out.

(End of this chapter)

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