allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 369 Do You Know What You Are Saying

Chapter 369 Do You Know What You Are Saying
"Really." She asked without much concern, "But now it has been rumored to be an unlucky project. Even if it is developed and completed in the future, it probably won't be sold."

Yun Yan raised her hand and pressed her temples. Whenever she mentioned these troublesome business matters, she only felt a headache, "The worst thing is to stop first."

I just took a loan from the bank, and the interest is not low every day.

Therefore, even though she said this, she also knew that the Yun family would suffer a great loss.The bank interest alone is too much to bear.

However, she has nothing to do now, she looked at Qin Bai, "Qin Bai, I have a headache. Put these things aside."


american oriental home

Regarding Yunyan's younger brother's accident, everyone in the Dongfang family knew about it. However, the engagement day is not long. Now that something like this happened to the Yun family, what should be done about the engagement?
Everyone in the family wanted to hear Dongfang Boyu's opinion, so when Dongfang Boyu returned, a meeting was held at home.

The staff is very neat, grandpa, grandma, father, mother, Dongfang Shihua, Dongfang Boying, everyone is there.

Dongfang Shihua and Dongfang Boying all came back early from other places because of Dongfang Boyu's engagement at first, and because of an accident in ancestor worship, Dongfang Shihua also rushed back earlier.

The whole family was sitting in the hall, Dongfang Boyu had lost a lot of weight these days, Yunyan couldn't eat it, and he wasn't in the mood to eat it either.

If he hadn't left his work for too long, he would still want to stay in City I.

Xu Qingyou, who spoke first in the family, looked at her son who had lost a lot of weight, and didn't have time to shave off the stubble on his face, "Bo Yu, what about your engagement to Yun Yan?"

Should we continue?Or cancel?
It stands to reason that when such a thing happened to the Yun family, no one would be in the mood to hold an engagement wedding on such a day, but Dongfang Boyu's engagement is very important.Very important to him.

Whether to continue or to cancel, to be honest, from a selfish point of view, everyone hopes that the engagement will continue.

However, from a human point of view, from an emotional point of view, we all know that this is not acceptable.

Sense or emotion, which side to choose?No one in the family can help Dongfang Boyu to make decisions, so there is such a serious family meeting.

What about an engagement?Dongfang Boyu sat on the single sofa, his eyes darkened, and he thought for a long time before he looked up at his father Dongfang Yun and his grandfather Dongfang Xiangchen, "Dad, grandpa, engagement is very important to me, But……"

He knows better than anyone how important this engagement is, how important it is to him, and how important it is to his future.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have "forced" Yunyan like that back then, luring her into getting engaged to him.

But no, it's really impossible to get engaged now.

She was so sad and sad, and the Yun family was still unable to get out of the sad days, and he couldn't ask for it so selfishly.

So, after careful consideration, he still looked at his family members with a sorry face, "The engagement wedding is temporarily cancelled, let's postpone it. As for when it will be postponed... Let's talk about it in a few months." Let's talk when Yunyan is in a better mood.

Master Yun kept a solemn face, and remained silent for a while before saying, "Bo Yu, are you sure?"

(End of this chapter)

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