allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 371 Hope It's Just a Coincidence

Chapter 371 Hope It's Just a Coincidence
"I'm just telling you, you man who has never defeated me, don't talk about big men, you little brat." After the words fell, the two siblings had already gone through a few tricks.

Dongfang Boyu looked at them and walked away speechlessly.

Dongfang Boying: "I let you in since childhood, okay? Do you think I really can't beat you? Do you dare to compete with a scalpel?"

Dongfang Shihua: "My lady doesn't need those, I can prove it with my fist."


Dongfang Boyu changed his clothes, only a towel was wrapped around his body, and his upper body was exposed.Facing the mirror, he was seriously shaving the beard on his face.

In fact, growing a beard is also quite a sense of vicissitudes~~~~
To smear himself, he shaved carefully.

Suddenly, Dongfang Shihua who didn't know when he came in stood outside, he frowned, "You climbed the window again?
He remembered that the door of his room was locked.

Dongfang Shihua raised her eyebrows, acquiescing to what he said, and walked forward, leaning against the door, she seemed to be fooling around, but her tone was very serious, "Are you going to confront the secret door?"

Dongfang Boyu shaved his beard seriously and ignored her.

"I want to join too."

"..." He still ignored her.

"Dongfang Boyu!!" What is he doing?When she is transparent?

Dongfang Boyu cleaned his face, turned to look at her, and replied with a serious expression, "No."

Then he went over her and took a clean shirt and put it on.

Dongfang Shihua caught up with him, "Why not?"

"First of all, you are a girl, and second, we don't deal with gangsters." In their generation, the division of labor is stricter.

Not to mention that the elders won't let them interfere, even brother Bo Lin won't let him touch easily, okay?

It's too much for him to get involved, her?She can't.

"Okay, let me tell Yunyan, how many girlfriends have you dated before?" Dongfang Shihua raised her head, "And that first love you never forget..."

"If you can get Dad to agree, go and tell Brother Bo Lin, and I'll pretend I don't know about it." Dongfang Boyu turned to look at her, fastening the buttons of Keke with his slender fingers.

What Dongfang Shihua wanted was his words, "Brother Bo Lin is so difficult to discuss, so I won't talk about it. I will talk to Brother Xuan. The second uncle is easier to discuss than the uncle."

Dongfang Boyu raised his eyebrows, and put his hands on the towel around his waist, "Are you going to stay and watch me change my pants? I don't wear anything underneath."

Dongfang Shihua yelled, "I'm your sister!!" Then he opened the door like a wind and rolled out of his room.

Dongfang Boyu snorted, and then untied the towel under him, revealing his sexy figure, but it was not empty.Is there someone who wears underwear?
Putting on his pants, he tidied up his appearance in front of the mirror. Suddenly, a text message came from his mobile phone. He picked it up and looked at it, and then frowned.

"I'm going to England." It was just a few short words, sent by Yunyan, but Dongfang Boyu understood what she meant.

Was she still unwilling to believe that it was just an accident?

Actually...he didn't believe it either.

It's too coincidental, and he is even more unwilling to guess that this may be a conspiracy caused by him.

 I city, Yun's family, and Yunyan, he has sent people to protect them well, so there is no guarantee that there will be no mistakes before the engagement.

(End of this chapter)

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