allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 373 The Engagement Should Be Canceled

Chapter 373 The Engagement Should Be Canceled
"Dad, what are you talking about?"

Yun Zongqiang knew his daughter very well. If there were not more important matters, she would not be able to leave the company affairs behind.

Although he has been immersed in sadness, he doesn't completely ignore the company's affairs.

Yun Yan put the porridge bowl in his hand, "No, Dad."

"If you don't tell the truth, then don't go." Yun Zongqiang took the porridge bowl but put it aside.

Upon hearing this, Yun Yan looked at him quietly.Because of Yun Qi's death, his parents suddenly aged more than ten years, and the white hair on his head also increased a lot overnight.

Yunyan really didn't want to add salt to their wounds, she shook her head, "Dad, I just want to see those drug addicts brought to justice."

"Then what about your engagement with Dongfang Boyu?" Seeing that she really didn't want to talk about it, Yun Zongqiang didn't push her too fast, but continued in a hoarse voice, "There are not a few days left."

Regarding the engagement, she and Dongfang Boyu haven't discussed how to deal with it.

Yes, there are not a few days left. I was still looking forward to the countdown to the engagement wedding.She knew that Dongfang's house must have been prepared, and the post was sent.


There was no way she could get engaged at a time like this.

"Dad, the engagement...I want to call it off." Yun Yan said slowly, "Call it off for now, but I haven't told Dongfang Boyu yet."

Yun Zongqiang frowned, "If it's because of an accident at home..."

"Dad, I can't get engaged at this time. I'm not in the mood." And she can't do such a thing. Her brother just died, but she wants to have a wedding?She really can't do this kind of thing.

"What about the Dongfang family?" Of course Yun Zongqiang was on his daughter's side. To be honest, he didn't have the energy or mood to deal with the engagement at this time.

But things always work out.

what to do?Yun Yan shook her head, "I haven't figured out how to tell Boyu yet."

Whether the cancellation of the engagement will become a joke to the Dongfang family, and whether Dongfang Boyu will lose face in front of the clan, she may know these things, but she just doesn't know what Dongfang Boyu will think.

"I should understand." You can understand, the Dongfang family is easy to get along with.

But when she thought about the original intention of the engagement, she couldn't help but wonder in her heart, if the engagement was canceled, would it have a great impact on Dongfang Boyu?
However, before she had time to worry about this matter, she received a call from Dongfang Boyu. She walked out of the kitchen and answered the phone.

"Did Mom and Dad eat something?" Dongfang Boyu's voice rang in his ears, but Yun Yan had to swallow what he just wanted to say because his parents heard it.

Did he already regard them as his family?
"Well, eat it." She took a deep breath, and suddenly felt that it was too much for her to have the idea of ​​canceling the engagement.

"When are you going to England?" he asked again.

"The day after tomorrow," she said softly.

The two fell silent for a long time, but they spoke at the same time.

"Little Smoke..."

"Bo Yu..." The two are getting more and more tacit understanding now, but the tone of their mouths is so hesitant.

Dongfang Boyu chuckled, "You go ahead."

Yun Yan shook her head, "You should talk first."

After a few seconds of silence, Dongfang Boyu opened his mouth, "Sorry, Yunyan, I have already told my family about the engagement, and it is temporarily cancelled."

(End of this chapter)

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