allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 401 It's Watching Us

Chapter 401 It's Watching Us
"Little idiot, of course these fish are separated in the sea area. Don't worry, the chef who can't eat them will definitely not do it." He took her hand and walked to the glass cover, "What about that fish? Sample?"

"Which one?" She didn't know the names of these sea fish, so she felt that sea fish were much more aggressive than river fish.

"That one, Nuo, the one that passed through the big fat man's gap, with such agility, the fish must be very fresh." Dongfang Boyu pointed to a certain small fish swimming in the sea.

Yun Yan was dripping with cold sweat when she heard that, "What does its agility have to do with whether its meat is fresh or not?"

It’s ridiculous, sea fish often face escape difficulties, and they are usually very agile, okay?
"Then you said that free-range chickens and ducks are more delicious." He said it as if it were true. "The same is true for fish, baby."

"...Nonsense." She laughed, "If it's meat that doesn't move, it should be fatter." Fish meat is different from chicken and duck meat, and there is no fatty part.

For a while, the two of them actually picked sea fish there like children, and every time they chose it, they explained the reason for choosing it.

Rather than waiting for the sea fish to make dinner, it is better to say that the two of them had such a great time.


Waking up in the quiet 'ocean', Yunyan opened her eyes and looked at the transparent ceiling, but she had no intention of getting up at all.Sea fish swim to and fro outside the glass, and some still stay on the glass, as if they want to see through the glass to see what is inside.

"Bo Yu." She called softly.

Dongfang Boyu also woke up, opened his eyes, and looked at the transparent ceiling like her. There was a feeling of being isolated from the world here, and he really wanted to stay like this forever.

On the quilt, there are two bodies facing each other, and with a slight movement, you can feel the touch of skin.

Yun Yan moved a little bit at first, but when she touched his skin, she didn't dare to move any more. She just pointed to the ceiling and said, "Are they looking at us?"

Dongfang Boyu took her hand actively, then nodded, "Probably."

Turning his head to look at her, he leaned over, "They are curious about what we are doing, why don't we lift the quilt?"

Yun Yan looked at him in shock, but when he finished speaking, he really lifted the quilt and threw it aside.

She, she suddenly looked at him a little helplessly, "You... so cold."

"You won't be cold after exercising." After finishing his sentence, he looked at her face and proved with his actions that he was not just talking.

After exercising, it is indeed not cold anymore, but it makes people blush, okay?Yun Yan dared not open her eyes.Isn't this man too energetic?The two seem to have fallen into a passionate love period all of a sudden.

After another meal at the bottom of the sea, it was almost noon when the two returned to land.

The coolness of the bottom of the sea is in stark contrast to the heat on the land. As soon as the clouds hit the ground, they shouted, "I really want to go back to the sea!!!"

Dongfang Boyu nodded in agreement, "As long as you want, we can stay here for a few more days."

Yun Yan shook his head.

Although she also likes the feeling of being with him, although she has been addicted to it these few days, she has not forgotten why she left City I to go abroad.

(End of this chapter)

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