allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 421 Why is he looking for her

Chapter 421 Why is he looking for her

 It was really too unexpected, Yunyan didn't even have time to change the expression on her face, she looked at him with a little surprise, "You... okay, Mr. Pei."

Pei Ziming and Pei Zishuo don't look alike at all, and judging by his age, he seems to be much younger than Pei Zishuo. It's really unexpected that Pei Zishuo's father can have an affair so unknowingly.

"Nice to meet you. I wanted to visit you at Yun's before, but your secretary said you were busy." Pei Ziming spoke in a very warm voice, which sounded very comfortable.

So he was the one who looked for her last time?She thought it was Pei Zishuo.

With an apologetic smile, Yun Yan let out a heck, "I've been very busy recently..." It's just, why is he looking for her?
Pei Ziming smiled understandingly, "It can be seen that Ms. Yun is very busy. I don't know when it is convenient for Ms. Yun. Let's sit down and talk?" The protagonist of today's banquet is Qin Bai, and he knows that Yun Yan is Qin Bai's invited female companion , this is not a good time to talk about business.

However, Yunyan didn't think so, she thought she and Pei Ziming had nothing to talk about.

How can she say that she and Pei Zishuo were together before, and Pei Zishuo was in a lot of trouble because of gambling. Some time ago, it was heard that his father seemed to be divorcing his mother.

These things have nothing to do with the person in front of him.Although she no longer has contact with Pei Zishuo, she doesn't want to have anything to do with the other Pei family members.

She said perfunctorily, "Yes, I will ask the secretary to contact you when it is convenient for me."

God knows, she didn't even know what his phone number was.

And Pei Ziming is not an idiot, he knew that she was speaking perfunctorily, so he said very bluntly, "About my brother's share transfer letter, many people must be very concerned about the one in your hand." Interested?"

Yun Yan didn't expect him to speak like this all of a sudden, and cast a glance at him, "What does Mr. Pei mean by that?"

"The cooperation project between Yun's and Phaeton is currently suspended. Ms. Yun should also be short of money. I am willing to pay this amount to buy the equity in your hand." Pei Zifen stretched out his hand, without specifying the specific number. But sincere. .

Yun Yan looked at him, then fell silent.

In fact, anyone who works in shopping malls should know that she has a difficulty to face now, which is the Phaeton.

It's just that some people should think that she will embezzle other funds from the company to subsidize the loss of cooperation with Phaeton, but they don't know that the meeting held two days ago has completely cut off such a way out.

She really needs money.

And, indeed, she planned to sell the equity that Pei Zishuo had transferred to her.

Because that share is the only personal asset she can move, and the amount is not small.It is very appropriate to use it as a supplement.But she never thought of selling Pei Zishuo's half brother.

In fact, before making this decision, she was thinking that she would take the time to meet Pei Zishuo in the past two days. Based on humanitarianism, if she wanted to sell the shares he lost, she should inform him.

After all, she promised before that she would give him time to redeem him.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Between Yun's and equity, of course she chose to protect her own business without hesitation.What's more, she didn't have much interest in that share, and she didn't attend the shareholder meeting once.

(End of this chapter)

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