allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 435 Is the only turning point gone?

Chapter 435 Is the only turning point gone?

 Mr. Dongfang seemed to have no more excuses and reasons to keep her.

He could only reach out and shake hands with her in a formulaic manner, "It's a pleasant cooperation."

Yun Yan chuckled, "I hope your company can arrange it as soon as possible. After all, if the project is delayed for a day, the difference in funds will be greater."

Of course they don't care, but she is at a loss!

Dongfang Boyu held hands with her, and he really didn't want to let go. In fact, she just wanted to tell him...

Just say that she needs his help, and he can ignore the suggestions of the management at all.Even if it was a loss-making business, he would still do it, as long as she asked, as long as she was happy.

But... No, she refused his personal help, and she didn't have any reason to dispute his attitude towards official affairs.

Yun Yan withdrew her hand, "Goodbye."

Dongfang Boyu just looked at her, he didn't want her to leave, he didn't want to.

Yun Yan turned around and took a step to leave.

"Yunyan." He called her impulsively, took a big step, and stretched out his hand to hug her from behind.

Such a shameless action should be done by a woman. How could a big man like him make such a ridiculous action, but he couldn't hold back and hugged her.

It is said that hugging from behind is a kind of hug that makes people happy and sad.

They are very close, but they can't see each other's eyes, can't look into each other's hearts.

Yunyan only felt her nose sore, she suppressed the discomfort, and let her voice be calm and unremarkable, "Is there anything else?"

Dongfang Boyu hugged her, his nose was filled with the familiar fragrance, he didn't want to let go, did she know?
"Can you forgive me?" Forgive him for his lack of ability, it turns out that he was selfish, forgive Yun Qi for innocent death because of him.

Yun Yan closed her eyes, his body temperature, his embrace, and his tone of voice all made her fall in love with her, but...

"I can't." She gently raised her hand, and gently broke away his holding her hand, "Yun Qi is dead, how can I forgive you." Yun Yan said painfully.

"I didn't mean to, I don't know, I..."

"Dongfang Boyu, with you, there will be such a horrific accident. I'm afraid, if I go on, I'll even get involved with my parents." She said softly.

"No, no," he said, repeating.

But she didn't say anything else, and left without looking back, whether she will or not, it's not up to him.His world is inherently complicated beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

He is no ordinary wealthy businessman.He is no ordinary businessman either.

His background is complicated, his world is black, gray and white, his family has inexplicable relationship with the governments of various countries, and their social circle seems out of reach to her.

Even, even if her family is now one of the top wealthy businessmen's families in I City, but compared with his family's background, she is even insignificant, so a small role like her can't keep up with his pace.

Can't understand, can't accept his world.

If love is to let people die, let the person closest to me die, she hopes that the person who dies is her, so that she will not be so sad and painful now.

She didn't hate him, she just, just couldn't find an outlet for forgiveness.

She left, once again, leaving him with a determined back.

Does she not believe him?I don't believe that he can protect her well, nor forgive her.

He even used despicable tricks, but if the heavens were not on his side, wouldn't there be even a chance for him and her to turn around?Ah
(End of this chapter)

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