allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 438 Talk to Yunyu

Chapter 438 Talk to Yunyu
First of all, it really seemed to become drowsy. Yunyan got up on time at seven, yawned and went to work.

Not long after she arrived at the company, she felt so sleepy that she couldn't sleep anymore. It just so happened that there was a meeting to attend in the early morning. What was shameful was that she actually fell asleep at the meeting.

At that time, the participants all looked at her with sympathy, and seemed to know that she had been working overtime during this time.

This is still the first one, and second, her appetite is very bad, and she started to have symptoms of nausea, and this symptom of nausea is very serious, whenever she smells a little bit of meat, she will retch constantly.

This situation only lasted for two days, and she couldn't stand it, so she rushed to the hospital to ask the doctor if this situation was abnormal.

Unexpectedly, the doctor gave her an even more unacceptable answer. Pregnancy depends on each person's physical condition. Some people will not experience symptoms of misogyny, while others may vomit for seven months.

Some people eat and drink normally, while others cannot eat anything for the first three or four months.

Yun Yan felt that she was very unlucky, she obviously belonged to the one with very serious symptoms, what made her speechless the most was that this kind of symptoms could only rely on her own body's instincts, no one knew when it would disappear and return to normal.

The doctor can only give her an approximate time, and said that pregnant women cannot take too many medicines, so it is impossible for her symptoms to be relieved by medicine.

In other words, she may have to suffer like this for several months.

It's been months... The problem is she's at work and she has so much to do.

Walking out of the hospital in a depressed mood, Yunyan was thinking that she should make a decision.

Is it life, or...

The doctor's words sounded in her mind, "Your body does not allow abortion. The uterine membrane is naturally inferior to ordinary people. If you have an abortion, the chance of having a child in the future will be very low. This physical condition can easily cause habitual miscarriage.”

When Yun Yan thought of this, she had the urge to scratch herself.

What, that's it?
How is it so unlucky? ! ! !

There is no other choice but to give birth, but if she is pregnant, within three months, her belly will definitely be too obvious to cover up, winter is better, but it is summer now, and when she is four or five months pregnant, she will show her pregnancy , it's still hot...

Suddenly she thought that Dongfang's family had twin genes, she shuddered, she couldn't be twins, could she?

  The results of the B-primary inspection done last time were still in the car, so she quickly checked it out. Fortunately, it was a single tire.

After hesitating for a long time, she still went back to the company, but she went directly to Yunyu's office.

Yun Yu was talking on the phone, her tone was very heavy, Yun Yan didn't know what she was talking about, she just knocked on the door, then walked in and waited.

I only heard Yunyu say, "Suppress the news, and don't leak half a word to the outside world."

Then she hung up the phone with a snap, and then looked at Yun Yan, "What do you need from me?"

After the support at the meeting last time, the relationship between the two sisters is no longer as tit-for-tat as before, but of course, it is impossible to develop into a friendly state.

Yun Yan looked at her, "Did something happen?"

 "It's nothing, just a small matter." Yun Yu glanced at her and chose to hide it.

(End of this chapter)

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