allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 441 He's Getting Engaged

Chapter 441 He's Getting Engaged

So, she and Yunyu have no way to talk properly, "I don't want to talk to you."

Then she turned away.

Yunyu dialed the inside line and asked the secretary to come in with a cup of hot coffee. Thinking of Yunyan's man's suggestion, she snorted disdainfully, man?That's just the spice of life.

Does she need a creature that only thinks with its lower body when it sees a beautiful woman?


Yun Yan asked Qin Bai to come out to meet her. The place was a quiet western restaurant. When she arrived, Qin Bai hadn't arrived yet, so she sat by the window by herself.

Because waiting was boring, she casually took a look at the magazine next to her, and happened to see entertainment gossip again.

It's about Cui Yuanhui, saying that she is going to marry into a wealthy family...

Yun Yan found that the actress' team is still very powerful, the hype is always at the forefront, and the actress marrying a wealthy family, such things will always attract people's attention.

This is like the story of Cinderella and the prince, which makes people yearn for.

She looked at the content, but found that the wealthy family mentioned above was... the Dongfang family.

She blinked and thought she had misread it, but she was right, it was the Dongfang family.

Although the above news is very unreliable, it should be written by the reporter himself, as if he had experienced it himself, but how could such gossip spread?

A few days ago, the man who said in front of her that I miss you so much that his heart hurts, is now planning to marry another woman?
The man who hugged her tightly behind his back and asked her, can he forgive her, has fallen in love with another woman so quickly?Oh, no, it's because I have never broken the relationship.

Looking at the photo above, which was another photo of dining in a certain restaurant in the United States, Yun Yan snorted, and then closed the cover of the magazine.Same photo! !
Also, he needs the position of the head of the family and a married woman.

Since she refuses, there are always so many willing people in the world.How could he...

Hands involuntarily caressed her upper abdomen, Yun Yan was not very firm in her decision, but now she has become extremely firm.

I really have to thank these nonsense magazines, no matter what the facts are, she thought, at least gave her the will to make a decision.

When Qin Bai arrived, he saw Yunyan with a firm expression on his face. Seeing her like this, he couldn't help but frowned, and sat down opposite her, "Yunyan."

When Yun Yan heard his voice, her face softened, and she pulled out a forced smile and looked at him, "You're here."

Qin Bai stared at her face, she couldn't have made that decision, could she?If she wanted to take the child away regardless of her health, he would be the first to disagree.

However, Yunyan was not in a hurry to express her decision, she just looked at Qin Bai and said calmly, "Qin Bai, I want to put the Yun family under Yunyu's management for the time being."

Qin Bai looked at her for a long time before saying, "Why? Aren't you two..."

"Although the relationship is not very good, she is also surnamed Yun after all. It is better to leave it to her than to others, isn't it?" She twitched the corners of her mouth and smiled forcedly, "I am going to go abroad to give birth to this child."

 After saying that, she looked at him, "Can you help me?" After staying abroad for so long, she always needs to prepare a lot of things.

(End of this chapter)

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