allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 462 Ugly face

Chapter 462 Ugly face
 Dongfang Boyu said the name of the hospital, and then hung up the phone. Does she want to come?Is she still worried about him?
"Young master, is Miss Yunyan coming over?" Seeing Dongfang Boyu's worried expression, Tianyu said too much, "In this case, Miss Yun's appearance is not good for her."

Dongfang Boyu calmed down completely as if someone poured a basin of water all of a sudden.

The dispute over the head of the family is becoming more and more fierce, and now it is forcing others to jump over the wall in a hurry. Even such murderous car accidents have begun to occur, and it is not known what methods will be waiting in the future.

Tianyu's words made Dongfang Boyu think about something, he slowly let go of his hand and then clenched his fist, picked up the phone, and said in a cold voice, "Are you coming over?"

Yun Yan, who had already driven to the hospital, was stunned for a long time when she heard this, before she replied, um.

"No need. I don't think we need to meet again." Dongfang Boyu's voice was as calm as white water, but Tianyu who was beside him saw him clenched his hands tightly into fists.

Will you be struck by lightning if you say such a theory against your will?

In the parking lot of the hospital, Yun Yan, who was sitting in the car holding her mobile phone, suddenly froze.This was the first time she heard Dongfang Boyu rejecting her.

Even if she said to break up at the beginning, even if we would see each other after the breakup, he was always trying to keep her and make her forgive him for the disaster he caused.However, he never rejected her with such words.

She suddenly had an illusion that she hadn't realized that she was broken in love all this time, and now she was really broken in love.

He... doesn't want her anymore.

Ah.Did she subconsciously always think that he still has her in his heart?Could it be that in her heart she always thought that he would wait for her to forgive him one day?
Holding the phone, Yun Yan felt that her words were all stuck in her throat, and she couldn't utter a single word.

She heard him say, "I don't want my fiancee to misunderstand."

He didn't want his fiancée to misunderstand... Has he finally fallen in love with someone else?

One year and eight months, only one year and eight months, from forgetting to transferring love, is indeed enough.

It took Yun Yan a long time to find her tongue, "Sorry..." Then she hung up the phone and sat in the car blankly.

It turned out that this is how it feels to be abandoned, no wonder he said she was so cruel at the beginning.

Because she was the one who said to break up.

But now... Yunyan felt a void in her heart, she thought she was fine and would pass, and this painful attack hit her again.

Dongfang Boyu, after all, is far, far away from her.

When she came here, she was still thinking complicatedly, what should she say when she saw him, she was just worried about him, without any other meaning?Tell him not to think too much, it is impossible for them to be together?

However, now that he is the one who told her not to come over and not to see each other again, it seemed a little funny to her.

She really thinks too much, really thinks too much.The kind of person who never forgets will only exist in novels, in movies and TV dramas, in reality... there is no way.

Taking a deep breath, she turned the car around, stepped on the accelerator and left.

In the hospital, Dongfang Boyu put down the phone. He really wanted to beat himself up, and he really wanted to go downstairs now and tell that cruel woman that what he just said was against his will.

 However, the reality is that he can only stand here, motionless.His face was extremely ugly. . .

(End of this chapter)

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