allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 465 The Coincidental Encounter at the Hotel

Chapter 465 The Coincidental Encounter at the Hotel
 Entering the hotel, Yunyan suddenly stopped her pace, she frowned, in front of her was a reflective golden pillar, and behind her...

It seemed that this person was following her in the morning. Was she being followed, or was it a coincidence?
Turning around gracefully, she pretended to look at the other party casually, but the other party had already turned around and seemed to be busy with something on the phone.

Is she thinking too much?
When I went to the western restaurant on the second floor, the blind date man who had been arranged had already arrived first. Seeing him, Yun Yan was slightly taken aback, "Senior Shen."

The man named Senior Shen smiled slightly and looked at her, "So you still remember me."

Yunyan nodded, don't you remember?The senior Shen in front of him is as famous as Qin Bai at that time, and he is a person who is so good at learning and looks that people are jealous.

It's just that this senior Shen went abroad soon, and there was no contact after that.

Yun Yan didn't know him, but he knew his character.

According to what he said, he still knows her?
Originally, she planned to meet only for a meeting, and then she made a fuss about it. She would have to sit down and have a meal. She smiled and said politely, "Senior Shen used to be a man of the hour in our middle school. You have gone abroad, and the school girls below us are still infatuated with you."

"What about you?" Shen Jiacheng looked at her with a smile, as if such a compliment to her was not very helpful.

she?Yun Yan was stunned for a moment, and then swallowed back what she was about to say.Originally wanted to say politely, of course she was like this too.But thinking that the two of them are already on a blind date, would it be misleading to say that she once admired him?

So she quickly changed her words and said, "Senior Shen is not short of an admirer like me."

Shen Jiacheng smiled, "It seems that the school girl had someone she liked at the time..."

Yun Yan smiled but did not answer.At that time, she and Pei Zishuo were not officially together, right?And she is two years younger than him...

But she really didn't know that he remembered her, or rather knew her.

For such an influential figure, it is already very good for her to know Qin Bai, okay?Besides, he and Qin Bai are 'enemies', one mountain cannot accommodate the existence of two tigers!
How did Yunyu know Shen Jiacheng? ! !

Moreover, she can arrange a blind date for her, does Yunyu know about the grievances between Shen Jiacheng and Qin Bai?

The two were talking happily, Yun Yan raised her head, and suddenly saw a figure walking in the revolving hall of the lobby on the first floor.

She was slightly taken aback. At this time, she was looking at the lobby on the first floor from this direction without any obstacles, and she could completely see the people and things below.

Dongfang Boyu... Seeing that he is wearing a neat suit and walking without any strange movements, so the car accident shouldn't have caused him any harm?
Then how could Cui Yuanhui be injured so badly? Before she came out today, she read the news. The news said that Cui Yuanhui was still in a coma. Her fans all gave her blessings online.

Many fans even learned about the hospital wards and went to visit, causing the hospital passages to be blocked.

Shen Jiacheng looked at Yunyan, but saw her looking away distractedly, coughed lightly, refreshing his sense of existence, "Yunyan, what are you looking at?"

Yun Yan withdrew her gaze from the first floor and looked at him, "It's nothing, I just happened to see a friend."

What is Dongfang Boyu doing in the hotel at this time?

(End of this chapter)

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