allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 467 The Child Is Obviously His

Chapter 467 The Child Is Obviously His

However, only he himself knew that he turned around regardless of what he thought, hugged her, and told her that even if she didn't want him, he would force her to stay by his side.

Tell her that he really misses her very much.

But... unable to do anything, he walked out of the revolving door of the hotel.

She stood there alone in a daze, forgetting how to react and what to do. She just stood there, and the people passing by her couldn't find a shadow in her eyes.


The atmosphere of the New Year began to appear on the street. This weekend, Yunyan took her baby for a walk outside. She originally thought that she would only walk in the garden in the community, but she thought that children like red, and now there is a lot of New Year on the street. After thinking about the atmosphere, she took the baby out for shopping.

In a certain department store, she purposely chose the children's section to go shopping. Unexpectedly, her son was really excited. Seeing those little models waving, she thought the little models were real children.

Yunyan took out his mobile phone to take pictures of him, and he was very good at posing.

Suddenly, there was another person standing beside her, and her body froze there without raising her head.

He just lowered his head and looked at the shoes of the visitor, the shiny leather shoes, the trousers were not wrinkled at all.

"Mommy." At this moment, the baby came over, rubbing against her and wanting to hug her.

Yunyan's scalp tingled for a while, she thought about all possible opportunities to meet, but she never thought that on such an occasion, at such a moment, he would see the existence of the baby.

She held on, and then picked up the baby, "Baby, let's go home, shall we?"

"Not good." The baby's speech is not very standard yet, but the mother and child have no difficulty in communicating. Yun Yan plans to hug him and leave first, regardless of whether he agrees or not.

However, how could he ignore the person standing there beside him?
She turned around and was about to leave, when she heard him say, "This...our child?" His voice was trembling, and he didn't know whether it was anger or excitement.

Yunyan was about to run away with the baby in her arms, but was blocked by Tianyu, and Tianyu also saw the baby, well, it really looks like Miss Yun.

Dongfang Boyu stood where he was, watching her with her back turned to him.

She was clearly pregnant, but she kept it from him...

Looking at the size of the child, so she was already pregnant when she was in France, and she was expecting to give birth in France?What distraction, is this simply a lie?
He wanted to laugh, but was angry again.

She didn't tell him anything, and went to France to have a baby by herself?

And what's more damning, he obviously saw her in France that day, but he didn't notice the difference in her. Maybe he could have noticed the difference if he stayed a few more minutes, but he left like that...

Yun Yan, this cruel woman is really much crueler than he imagined.

If he hadn't attended a banquet in City A and heard that the Yun family had an extra child, and someone teased that it was Yun Zongqiang's illegitimate child born outside, would he never have known that she gave him a son?
If he hadn't deliberately walked over from City A to look at it, would she have never planned to tell him?
Stop talking nonsense, Yun Zongqiang's illegitimate daughter?This child is obviously his! !

(End of this chapter)

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